A super simple but lightweight logging library that tries to capture the most important (status) information.



A super simple but lightweight logging library that tries to capture the most important (status) information. The following is supported:

  • Log level with colors
  • verbose mode:
    • Timestamp
    • PID
    • Thread name
    • Location


The core functionality can be seen in the examples/ folder. You can run both of them via:

cargo run --example simply # or
cargo run --example verbose # or
cargo run --example threads

For example:

cargo run --example verbose
   Compiling hackerlog v0.1.0 (/Users/0x434b/Git/private/hackerlog)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22s
     Running `target/debug/examples/verbose`
[>] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:4) : This is an info message
[#] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:5) : This is a debug message
[!] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:6) : This is a warning message
[x] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:7) : This is an error message
[+] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:8) : This is a success message
[-] (11:48:52) - [PID: 15435 | Thread: main] - (examples/verbose.rs:9) : This is a failure message


Run cargo add hackerlog in your project root and just import hackerlog in your application as use hackerlog::*; and you have access to the macros:

  • log_info!
  • log_debug!
  • log_warn!
  • log_err!
  • log_success!
  • log_fail!
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