BONOMEN - Hunt for Malware Critical Process Impersonation


BOnum NOMEN - good name

Hunt for Malware Critical Process Impersonation

How it works

The purpose of this tool is to detect process name impersonation using Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm. For example, a malware process could run under the name chr0me (note the 0 not o), thus observing that it's a possibly malicious process becomes harder.

To detect a process that tries to become stealth by process name impersonation, bonomen reads all the running processes on your system and compares their names with the processes(that you) provided in a file.

The processes you trust should be included in a file provided to bonomen at runtime with -f command line option, otherwise bonomen searches for the default file default_procs.txt. Every process should be written on a separate line, following the format:

process name;threshold;executable path


process name - is the name of the process you trust, for example init

threshold - is the maximum distance between process names, for example between chrome and chr0me the distance is 1.

executable path - is the path to the executable of the process you trust, for example /sbin/init. This is used to check for processes that may be whitelisted.


In the root directory, for

  • release version, run:

cargo build --release

  • debug version, run:

cargo build

The compiled executable will be in target\{release|debug}\


  • Unix OS (developed and tested on Debian GNU/Linux 8 64-bit).

  • Windows OS (developed and tested on Windows 10 64-bit).

  • Rust programming language version >= 1.13.0

  • File containing system critical processes using the following format:

    process name;threshold;process executable absolute path



References & Acknowledgements

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