The fastest memoizing and caching Python library written in Rust.



Cachebox is a Python library (written in Rust) that provides memoizations and cache implementions with different cache replecement policies.

This library is faster than other libraries and uses lower memory than them, you can see benchmarks here.

from cachebox import cached, TTLCache, LRUCache

# Keep coin price for no longer than a minute
@cached(TTLCache(maxsize=126, ttl=60))
def get_coin_price(coin_name):
    return web3_client.get_price(coin_name)

# Async functions are supported
async def get_coin_price(coin_name):
    return await async_web3_client.get_price(coin_name)

# You can pass `capacity` parameter.
# If `capacity` specified, the cache will be able to hold at least capacity elements without reallocating.
@cached(LRUCache(maxsize=126, capacity=100))
def fib(n):
    return n if n < 2 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

Page Content:

What is caching and why to use it?


In computing, caching improves performance by keeping recent or often-used data items in memory locations which are faster, or computationally cheaper to access, than normal memory stores. When the cache is full, the algorithm must choose which items to discard to make room for new data.


Cache replacement policies play important roles in efficiently processing the current big data applications. The performance of any high performance computing system is highly depending on the performance of its cache memory.



  • Thread-safe (uses Rusts RwLock)
  • You can use it async and sync
  • Varius cache alghoritms (supports 8 cache alghoritms)
  • Super fast (is written in Rust language)
  • High performance


  • Does not support iterating (for values, keys and items methods)


  • Cache: Simple cache implemention with no policy and alghoritm.
  • FIFOCache: First In First Out cache implemention.
  • LFUCache: Least Frequently Used cache implemention.
  • RRCache: Random Replacement cache implemention.
  • LRUCache: Least Recently Used cache implemention.
  • MRUCache: Most Recently Used cache implemention.
  • TTLCache: LRU Cache Implementation With Per-Item TTL Value.
  • TTLCacheNoDefault: Time-aware Cache Implemention; With this cache, you can set its own expiration time for each key-value pair.


You can install cachebox from PyPi:

pip3 install -U cachebox


This package is very easy to use. You can use all implementions like a dictionary; they're supported all abc.MutableMapping methods. But there are some new methods you can see in examples.

At first, think about which alghoritm do you want to use? import and use it like a dictionary; In this examples we used LRUCache, TTLCache and TTLCacheNoDefault.

LRUCache example:

from cachebox import LRUCache

cache = LRUCache(10)
cache.insert("key", "value") # or cache["key"] = "value"
cache.delete("key") # or `del cache["key"]`

# `.clear()` method has new parameter `reuse`
# pass True to keeps the allocated memory for reuse (default False).

And there are new methods for TTLCache and TTLCacheNoDefault. You can see those methods in these examples:

TTLCache example:

from cachebox import TTLCache

cache = TTLCache(10, ttl=2)
cache.insert(1, "value1") # or cache[1] = "value1"
cache.insert(2, "value2") # or cache[2] = "value2"
cache.insert(3, "value3") # or cache[3] = "value3"

# It works like `.get()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: ('value1', 1.971873426437378)

# It works like `.popitem()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: (1, 'value1', 1.961873426437378)

# It works like `.pop()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: ('value2', 1.951873426437378)

# Calling this method removes all items whose time-to-live would have expired by time,
# and if `reuse` be True, keeps the allocated memory for reuse (default False).

TTLCacheNoDefault example:

from cachebox import TTLCacheNoDefault

# TTLCacheNoDefault have not ttl parameter here.
cache = TTLCacheNoDefault(10)
cache.insert(1, "value1", ttl=10) # this key-pair is available for no longer than 10 seconds
cache.insert(2, "value2", ttl=2) # this key-pair is available for no longer than 2 seconds
cache.setdefault(3, "value3", ttl=6) # this key-pair is available for no longer than 6 seconds
cache.insert(4, "value4", ttl=None) # this key-pair never expire

# It works like `.get()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: ('value1', 9.971873426437378)

# It works like `.popitem()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: (2, 'value2', 1.961873426437378)

# It works like `.pop()` with the difference that it returns the expiration of item in seconds.
# Output: ('value4', 0.0)

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between TTLCache and TTLCacheNoDefault?

In TTLCache, you set an expiration time for all items, but in TTLCacheNoDefault, you can set a unique expiration time for each item.

TTL Speed
TTLCache One ttl for all items TTLCache is very faster than TTLCacheNoDefault
TTLCacheNoDefault Each item has unique expiration time TTLCacheNoDefault is very slow in inserting

Can we set maxsize to zero?

Yes, if you pass zero to maxsize, means there's no limit for items.

I use cachetools, how to change it to cachebox?

cachebox syntax is very similar to cachetools. Just change these items:

# If you use `isinstance` for cachetools classes, change those.
isinstance(cache, cachetools.Cache) -> isinstance(cache, cachebox.BaseCacheImpl)

# If you pass `None` to `cached()`, change it to `dict`.
@cachetools.cached(None) -> @cachebox.cached({})

# If you use `cache.maxsize`, change it to `cache.getmaxsize()`
cache.maxsize -> cache.getmaxsize()


  • Add benchmark for cacheing library


Copyright (c) 2024 aWolverP - MIT License

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