An easy-to-use SocketCAN library for Python and C++, built in Rust.

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Command-line JCAN


An easy-to-use SocketCAN library for Python and C++, built in Rust, using cxx-rs and pyo3.

Warning: I have never used Rust before and I don't know what I'm doing

Feature Status / TODO

  • Blocking send/receive in C++ (jcan.h) and Python (jcan)
  • aarch64 build for Jetson TX2
  • Replace maturin build system with manual scripts, or setuptools-rust
  • Rename of jcan_python to just jcan
  • Usage examples for C++ and Python
  • PyPi package release
  • Benchmark and speedtest against python-can (see utils/, typically speedup is 200% with jcan)
  • Build an example of JCAN + ROS2 Foxy usage
  • Receive function for specific CAN IDs (e.g receive_with_id(id : u32))
  • Non-blocking receive functions, which return a list of buffered Frames
  • Implement asyncronous send/receive callback methods
  • Convenience methods for Frame building, e.g: setting specific bits in a byte, named IDs
  • TOML-based 'CAN device interface' files, which generate methods like set_motor_speed(0.5f) / set_heater(True), etc...


Download the latest builds from the Releases Page!

For python, it's as easy as...

pip install jcan

For C++, you'll need to download the latest build and add it to your include path manually - check the examples folder for cmake usage.


For local development, you can setup a virtual CAN interface with the script.
You can then use the can-utils package (apt install can-utils) to interact with the vcan0 interface, on the command line.


Python example showing most of the JCAN features

#!/usr/bin/env python
import jcan
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bus = jcan.Bus()

    # Set a filter, from list...
    # bus.set_id_filter([0x1A0,0x1A1,0x1A2,0x1A3])

    # .. or from a mask!
    bus.set_id_filter_mask(0x1A0, 0xFF0)

    # This is our callback function for new frames
    def on_frame_five(frame : jcan.Frame):
        print(f"FRAME 1A5: {}")

    def on_frame_d(frame : jcan.Frame):
        print(f"FRAME 1AD {}")
        # print([0])

    bus.add_callback(0x1A5, on_frame_five)
    bus.add_callback(0x1AD, on_frame_d)"vcan0")

    while True:
        # The list of values will be cast to uint8's by JCAN library - so be careful to double check the values!
        # frameToSend = jcan.Frame(0x200, [time.time()%255, (time.time()*1000)%255])
        # print(f"Sending {frameToSend}")
        # bus.send(frameToSend)

        # Spin is required for our callbacks to be processed.
        # Make sure .spin is called from your MAIN THREAD

        # bus.spin is non-blocking if nothing is there - resulting in a 'busy' loop
        # this sleep is to prevent that. In your code, you will probably be doing more important things here!

C++ example showing Frame building and sending.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "jcan/jcan.h"

using namespace org::jcan;

A basic example of sending and recieving CAN Frames with JCAN

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Build new Bus object, which is a unique pointer to a Bus object
    std::unique_ptr<Bus> bus = new_bus();

    // Set ID filter using a vector of allowed IDs we can receive
    // std::vector<uint32_t> allowed_ids = {0x100, 0x123, 0x456, 0x789};
    // bus->set_id_filter(allowed_ids);

    // We can also also set a mask of allowed IDs
    // The filter below will only accept frames who's ID is 0x1A#, where '#' can be anything.
    // Combinations of base+mask can be used to make a very flexible filter.. but it can get quite confusing, too!
    // The format used below, of the form 'base_id + part of ID we don't care about',
    // is a nice simple way to use this feature.

    // Open the bus

    // Loop forever, sending frames and printing the ones we recieve
    unsigned char i = 0;

        Frame frameToSend = new_frame(0x200, {i,i/10,i/100,i%2,i%3,i%4,i%5,i*10});
        printf("Sending: %s...\n",frameToSend.to_string().c_str());

        printf("Waiting for frame...\n");
        Frame frameReceived = bus->receive();
        printf("Received: %s\n", frameReceived.to_string().c_str());

    return 0;

Lots more examples can be found in the examples folder!

Quirks / Known Bugs

  • A dedicated scripts-postbuild crate is used to move all the build-artifacts (libjcan.a, jcan.h, etc...) into /out/<profile>/<target>/jcan
  • Workspace-level cargo build is broken, use instead (as detailed below)
  • C++ examples can be built with the script found in each directory


# Get code
git clone

# Setup the build environment, which
# - Installs rust 
# - Installs cross-rs
# - Installs podman
# - Sets up a python virtual environment in the repo, under .venv

## Run the build scripts!
# (This will automatically source .venv/bin/activate if needed)


# Build outputs, including python wheels, can then be found in the ./release folder!
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  • Background thread, callback system

    Background thread, callback system

    This PR attempts to implement a "callback system" on top of JCAN, to allow for better integration into other callback-based application structures (such as ROS nodes). This feature necessitates the ability to manage socket IO in a background thread, so as not to block the main thread with the task of receiving CAN Frames - and to ensure no frames are dropped.

    The callback system allows application code (written in either Python or C++) to "register" a function to be called for a specific CAN Frame ID. These functions must take a single argument of type Frame, which contains the message data that was received. Both free functions and member functions can be registered as callbacks, provided the appropriate arguments are given to the bus.add_callback method - such that binding to a class instance can be performed if needed.

    When the application code makes a periodic call to the JCAN bus.spin() method, the buffered Frames collected by the background thread are iterated. If a callback is registered for the ID of a given Frame, the callback is then executed.

    Significant breaking changes had to be made to the JCAN C++ interface in order to implement the callback system, which demands changes be made to application code using JCAN. A partial example of the new JCAN interfaces can be found here.

    opened by leighleighleigh 1
Leigh Oliver
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