Loads environment variables into your structs in one shot.



Loads environment variables into your structs in one shot.

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econf allows to override struct fields with environment variables easily. This is useful to build up applications that optionally overrides some configuration with environment variables. Here is the basic usage:

use econf::LoadEnv;

#[derive(Debug, LoadEnv)]
struct A {
    x: bool,
    y: u64,

fn main() {
    let a = A {
        x: true,
        y: 42,
    println!("Before: {:?}", a);

    let a = econf::load(a, "PREFIX");
    println!("After:  {:?}", a);
$ ./app
Before: A { x: true, y: 42 }
After:  A { x: true, y: 42 }

$ PREFIX_X=false ./app
Before: A { x: true, y: 42 }
After:  A { x: false, y: 42 }

In this example,

  • PREFIX_X is loaded to x
  • PREFIX_Y is loaded to y

The environment variables are all upper-case with _ separated.

Why econf?

There are some existing crates that provide similar features but econf is unique in the following ways:

  • Supports nesting: Supports nested structs in an intutive manner with a little constraint.
  • Supports containers: Supports Vec, HashMap and various types.
  • Supplemental: Loads into existing variables in the code without changing the original logic.
  • Contributor friendly: Simple code base. Comprehensible with a little study on basic macro usage.

Supported types

  • Boolean: bool
  • Integer: isize, usize, i8, i16,i32,i64,i128, u8,u16,u32,u64,u128
  • String: char, String
  • Float: f32, f64
  • Network: IpAddr,Ipv4Addr,Ipv6Addr,SocketAddr,SocketAddrV4,SocketAddrV6
  • Non-zero types: NonZeroI128,NonZeroI16,NonZeroI32,NonZeroI64,NonZeroI8,NonZeroIsize,NonZeroU128, NonZeroU16,NonZeroU32,NonZeroU64,NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize
  • File system: PathBuf
  • Containers: Vec, HashSet, HashMap, Option, BTreeMap, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap, LinkedList, VecDeque, tuple
    • Containers are parsed as YAML format. See the tests.


Nested structs are supported.

struct A {
    v1: usize,
    v2: B,

struct B {
    v1: usize,
    v2: usize,

fn main() {
    let a = A {
        v1: 1,
        v2: B {
            v1: 2,
            v2: 3,

    let a = econf::load(a, "PREFIX");

In this example,

  • PREFIX_V1 is loaded to a.v1
  • PREFIX_V2_V1 is loaded to a.v2.v1
  • PREFIX_V2_V2 is loaded to a.v2.v2

Fields in child structs can be specified by chaining the field names with _ as a separator. However, there're cases that names conflict. For example,

struct A {
    v2_v1: usize,
    v2: B,

struct B {
    v1: usize,
    v2: usize,

fn main() {
    let a = A {
        v2_v1: 1,
        v2: B {
            v1: 2,
            v2: 3,

    let a = econf::load(a, "PREFIX");

Here PREFIX_V2_V1 corresponds to both a.v2_v1 and a.v2.v1. In this case, econf prints warning through log facade and the value is loaded to both a.v2_v1 and a.v2.v1.

Skipping fields

Fields that do not implement LoadEnv or simply should not be loaded by econf can be skipped by adding the #[econf(skip)] helper attribute:

struct A {
    x: bool,
    y: u64, // will not be loaded by econf

License: MIT

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    Implement rename helper attribute

    Thank you for the lovely crate! I implemented "rename" attribute like #[serde(rename)] because I encountered the case I would like to separate field names and environment variable names.


    For instance, if we set an environment variable as ENV_VARIABLE_A, need to prepare the following Rust struct:

    struct Example {
        env_variable_a: String,

    Suppose we'd like to name the field as a. In this case, we can leverage the rename attribute:

    struct Example {
        #[econf(rename = "env_variable_a")]
        a: String, // we can rename field's name as we like
    opened by yuk1ty 0
  • Version 0.2

    Version 0.2

    • Introduce Loader to abstract duplication check, loading, parsing.
    • Change LoadEnv trait interface which receives Loader
    • Update documents

    econf 0.1 and econf-derive 0.2 are not compatible and vice versa

    opened by YushiOMOTE 0
  • Mapping options to nested structs

    Mapping options to nested structs

    Hey! I love how simple this library is and wanted to use it on something I'm writing. I came across something I got confused about and wanted to know if there was a way I wasn't immediately obvious to.

    Specifically, I have an option value that I would expect to get parsed in a bit different of a way:

    For example, I have:

    #[derive(Debug, Default, econf::LoadEnv, PartialEq, Eq)]
    struct Config {
        simple_value: String,
        config: Option<InnerConfig>,
    #[derive(Debug, Default, econf::LoadEnv, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
    struct InnerConfig {
        inner_value: String,
    fn main() {
        let config = Config::default();
        std::env::set_var("TEST_SIMPLE_VALUE", "test_value");
        std::env::set_var("TEST_CONFIG", r#"{inner_value: "test_value"}"#);
        let expected_config = Config {
            simple_value: "test_value".to_string(),
            config: Some(InnerConfig {
                inner_value: "test_value".to_string(),
        let parsed_config = econf::load(config, "TEST");
        assert_eq!(expected_config, parsed_config);

    Specifically for parsing of config: Option<InnerConfig>, while I understand why it works the way it does due to the documentation:

    Instead of this:

    std::env::set_var("TEST_CONFIG", r#"{inner_value: "test_value"}"#);

    I would love to be able to do this:

    std::env::set_var("TEST_CONFIG_INNER_VALUE", "test_value"});

    Is there a current way to do this? Also willing to contribute and add this functionality if you point me to the right places and think it's a doable feature.

    opened by clintjedwards 0
  • v0.2.1(Jul 14, 2022)

  • v0.2.0(Jun 17, 2022)

  • v0.1.4(Jun 15, 2022)

    πŸš€ Enhancements

    • Fix readme (#7) @YushiOMOTE
    • Implement skip helper attribute (#6) @julianskartor

    Thanks again to @YushiOMOTE and @julianskartor! πŸŽ‰

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.3(Jun 9, 2022)

    • Add release drafter (#3) @YushiOMOTE

    πŸš€ Enhancements

    • Add support for PathBuf (#2) @julianskartor

    Thanks again to @YushiOMOTE and @julianskartor! πŸŽ‰

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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