vault client using jwt authentication that define environment variables from vault secrets before executing into something else



envlt, like env, allows you to define environment variables and then execute into something else, but instead of static values, it uses using simple expressions to fetch secret from a vault server using a JWT Token as authentication.

It is useful in CI/CD environment, like Gitlab to securely access secrets inside your jobs. It allows you to centralize secrets management by using the short lived JWT token CI_JOB_JWT and get rid of all static variables you normally define under Gitlab for that purpose. For more complex cases involving services configuration, secret renewals, and restart of services, you will probably find that rconfd is a better fit for the task.

Also gitlab premium user can define vault secrets directly in the project ci definition, there is no such integrated mechanism for the community edition. You should in that case use the vault command, add some boilerplate to login to the jwt service, get secrets one by one, then export them to environment variables. I didn't fancy embedding the full vault executable only for that purpose and wanted CI/CD jobs definitions to be as straightforward as possible. envlt integrate all theses steps in one binary and never expose the secrets values in the command arguments contrary to a script.


envlt 0.5.6

Usage: envlt 
     ] [-u 
      ] [-l 
       ] [-c 
        ] [-T 
         ] [-t 
          ] [-V 
           ] [-v] [-i] [-I] Get vault secrets from path expressions, define environment variables, then execute into args and command Options: -u, --url the vault url ($VAULT_URL or https://localhost:8200/v1) -l, --login-path the login path (/auth/jwt/login) -c, --cacert path of vault CA certificate (/var/run/secrets/ -T, --token the JWT token taken from the given variable name or from the given string if it fails (takes precedence over -t) -t, --token-path path of the JWT token (/var/run/secrets/ -V, --vars an expression NAME[=VALUE] for defining one or several variables. When no VALUE given, an environment variable with the same name is imported, when VALUE doesn't match an expression with a backend, a new variable is defined with the provided VALUE, otherwise the expression is expanded in one or several variables and NAME is used as a prefix. -v, --verbose verbose mode -i, --import import all environment variables before executing into cmd -I, --import-vault import environment variables whose values matches a vault_path a whose expansion is successful --help display usage information 

By default, envlt starts with an empty context, meaning that no variables are exposed to cmd. There is 3 options to alter this behavior you can mix together:

  • -i import all accessible variables "as is"
  • -I import only the variables that match an expression with a backend
  • -V (re)define variables (takes precedence over -i and -I) or import existing ones

Variable expression

A variable expression following the -V flag has 3 form:

  • NAME: import an environment variable with the same name
  • NAME=VALUE: define a new environment variable with a static value
  • PREFIX=backend:args:path: define one or several variables by fetching their value from a backend. When the returned value is structured (vault backend and const backend with js value), envlt recursively define one variable name for each leaf of the json tree by joining the prefix and path components with _. Path components are keys for dictionaries and indexes (starting at 0) for arrays.


There are currently 2 supported back-ends.


  • role is the role name used for vault authentication,
  • an optional http method that defaults to GET,
  • optional keywords arguments that are sent as json dictionary in the body of the request,
  • a path corresponding to the vault api point (without /v1/),
  • an optional json pointer to define variables from and that defaults to the root of the tree.

The vault secrets are cached by path (pointer excluded) and fetched only once. It is not really for performance reason but because some api points generate different secret each time they are called like pki. You can define that way several variables with different names (none is a prefix of the other) but tied to the same secret.



the value is parsed as json if js or kept as is if str

The main use of the const:str:value expression was to be able to differentiate a standard (not imported) variable from one to be imported when using the -I flag, although you can achieve the same result in a more verbose way by explicitly import a regular variable (whose value is not an expression) with -V NAME.

With const:js you can expand several static environment variables sharing a common prefix with one expression. If you use sccache with cargo you can use for example:

-V 'SCCACHE=const:js:{"bucket": "sccache", "endpoint": "minio:443", "s3_use_ssl": true}'

to define 3 variables

  • SCCACHE_BUCKET=sccache
  • SCCACHE_ENDPOINT=minio:443

to speedup compilation by using an S3 or compatible (minio) objects storage as build cache. You would also have to provide access keys AWS_* which could come from a kv2 secret.


If you have a pki backend mounted at /pki, and a kv2 secret defined at kv/abuild with the following content

crt: xxxx
key: xxxx
keyid: xxxx

calling envlt with the following arguments

envlt -V 'FOO=const:js:{"bar": 0, "baz": 1}'
      -V BAR=3
      -V CERT=vault:role,POST, \
      -V PACKAGER=vault:myrole:kv/data/secret#/data
      -- command args

will add the following environment variables added to command context.

  • FOO_BAR=0
  • FOO_BAZ=1
  • BAR=3
  • CERT_CA_CHAIN_0=...
  • ...
  • CERT_CA_CHAIN_n=...

By default, envlt use a jwt token available in every kubernetes containers at /var/run/secrets/ This token has claims about the kubernetes container execution context you can use in vault to restrict the access to secrets.

You can also export the variables instead of defining them with -V and use -I option. This is useful in CI/CD where you can define variables in the upper level, and hiding the details to keep the pipeline as simple as possible

export \
  'FOO=const:js:{"bar": 0, "baz": 1}' \
  BAR=const:str:3 \
  CERT=vault:role,POST, \
envlt -I -V PATH -V HOME -- command args

If you choose not to import all the environment variables (you don't use -i flag along with -I) you can control exactly which subset of variables are exported (the ones matching a backend expression) and add manually other important regular variables like PATH or HOME like in the example above.

Using envlt with Gitlab CI/CD

Configuring vault

Activate vault jwt authentication

vault write auth/jwt/config jwks_url="" bound_issuer=""

Create a policy for accessing the secrets

vault policy write mypolicy - <<EOF
path "kv/data/secrets/*" {
  capabilities = [ "read" ]

Create a role. Here You can only login with role, and only a build on a project inside gitlab group mygroup and for a protected tag (release) will have access to the secret.

vault write auth/jwt/role/myrole - <<EOF
  "role_type": "jwt",
  "policies": ["mypolicy"],
  "token_explicit_max_ttl": 60,
  "user_claim": "user_email",
  "bound_claims": {
    "group_path": "mygroup",
    "ref_protected": "true",
    "ref_type": "tag"

Configuring Gitlab CI/CD

You should make a build image (mybuilder) containing the envlt executable. Then you just have to call envlt in your pipelines script using the JWT token from the environment variable CI_JOB_JWT (note that we use a variable name here instead of a substitution to not expose the token on command line arguments)

You must define a VAULT_URL=const:str:https://localhost:8200 and a SECRET=vault:myrole:kv/data/secrets#/data variables and a good place for that is in the project or group settings.

Here is an example .gitlab-ci.yml

image: mybuilder

  stage: build
  # The Makefile use files containing secrets generated by rconfd
  - envlt -I -V PATH -V HOME -T CI_TOKEN_JWT -- make
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