Automatically commit all edits to a wip branch with GPT-3 commit messages



Automatic work-in-progress commits with descriptive commit messages generated by GPT-3 Codex

Never again worry about the tension between "commit early, commit often" and "every commit needs a commit message". All you need is an OpenAI API key, and gwipt will track every single change in your working directory, on a parallel wip/ branch.


Make sure the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY is set to your personal API key. Then, cd into the repository, and...


Boom! As long as the program is running, every change you make in the working tree is now saved, with a descriptive commit message that will be printed to stdout. Say you're on branch A; then all your changes (including untracked files) will be automatically committed to wip/A, and you can explore them whenever you want.

You can see a few testing examples in the wip/main branch of this repository. Every commit there that starts with wip: was generated by GPT-3. This is new and untested software, but I'm pleased enough with the results that I'm already using it for my personal projects.


cargo install gwipt
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