turbocommit is a Rust-based CLI tool that generates high-quality git commit messages in accordance with the Conventional Commits specification, using OpenAI's



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turbocommit is a CLI tool written in Rust that generates commit messages in accordance with the Conventional Commits specification. It uses the git diff to create commit messages that accurately reflect the changes made to a repository.


turbocommit can be easily installed with Cargo, Rust's package manager. Simply run the following command:

cargo install turbocommit

Please note that in order to use turbocommit, you will need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. This API key is required to use the OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo language model, which is used by turbocommit to generate commit messages.


Generating Conventional Commits with turbocommit

To use turbocommit, simply run the command turbocommit in your terminal.

$ turbocommit

This will generate one choice for the commit message and ask you whether you want to commit with it. You can then choose to commit with the generated message or not.

turbocommit example

You can also pass in extra information to the AI to influence the generated commit message. Simply add the information as an argument to the command.

$ turbocommit this is extra information

This will pass the extra information to the AI to generate the commit message.

Additionally, you can generate multiple choices for the commit message by using the -n option followed by the number of choices you want to generate.

$ turbocommit -n 3

This will generate three choices from which you can choose which one to commit with.

turbocommit example with multiple choices

You can also pass in extra information to the AI to influence the generation of multiple choices by adding it as an argument.

$ turbocommit -n 2 make it sound like a pirate

This will generate three choices and pass the extra information to the AI to generate the commit messages.

turbocommit example with multiple choices and extra information

Handling Long git diff

In some cases, the git diff for staged changes may be too long to fit within the 4096-token limit enforced by the language model, which turbocommit uses to generate commit messages. When this happens, turbocommit will prompt you with a message indicating that the git diff is too long.

To address this, turbocommit provides a list of all staged files and ask you to select any number of them. The tool will then generate a new git diff that includes only the changes from the selected files. If the resulting git diff plus the system prompt is still too long, turbocommit will repeat the process until the git diff is short enough to be processed by the AI model.

This allows you to generate conventional commit messages with turbocommit while ensuring that the git diff is short enough to be processed by the AI model.

Getting Help with turbocommit

To get help with using turbocommit, you can use the -h or --help option

$ turbocommit --help

This will display the help message with information on how to use the tool.

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