R1CS circuit for Falcon signature verification.


Falcon R1CS

This crate generates the R1CS circuit for Falcon signature verifications.


The total #constraints for a single Falcon-512 signature verification is listed below. The table can be obtained via

cargo run --release --example constraint_counts
# instance variables # witness #constraints
ntt conversion 0 14848 15360
verify with ntt 1025 78386 81460
verify with schoolbook 1025 312882 315956

In comparison, an ECC scalar multiplication over Jubjub curve (~256 bits) takes a little over 3k constraints (example here). So this will be something like 10 times more costly than proving, say, Schnorr over Jubjub curve.

Pseudocode for NTT based verification

// signature; requires 1 ntt conversion circuit
u := sig
u_var = u.into_circuit()
u_ntt_var = ntt_circuit(u)

// public key; no ntt conversion circuit is required
h := pk              
h_ntt = ntt(h)                    
h_ntt_var = h_ntt.into_circuit()

// hash of the message; no ntt conversion circuit is required
hm = hash_message(msg, nonce) 
hm_ntt = ntt(hm)
hn_ntt_var = hm_ntt.into_circuit()

// compute v = hm + u * h in the clear
v =  hm + u * h

// compute v = hm + u * h with circuit
v_ntt_var = hm_ntt_var + u_ntt_var * h_ntt_var

// enforce v_ntt_var is indeed v, requires 1 ntt conversion
v_var = v.into_circuit()
v_ntt_var.is_equal( ntt_circuit(v_var) )

// enforce the l2 norm constraints
l2_norm_var = compute_l2_norm(v_var, u_var)
l2_nrom_var.is_smaller( L2_NORM_BOUND )

Pseudocode for NTT conversion

The following code implements NTT circuit with just 15K constraints. The component is

  • n log(n) number of native field arithmetics
  • n number of non-native field arithmetics In comparison, a previous version here takes n log(n) number of non-native field arithmetics. Since a non-native operation is around 30 times more costly than a native one, we can fairly claim that this code achieves almost linear cost for NTT circuit; and improves upon the previous version by a factor of ~log(n).

The core idea is to handle the first while loop with native field arithmetic. A subtly is how to compute a negation of an integer without modulo arithmetics. For an integer v, and for a given round l, we need to proper bound the max value of the current loop, i.e., bound := 2^l * q^{l+1}, and use this bound, which is also a multiple of q to subtract v, i.e., neg_v = bound - v. Know the bound for u, v and neg_v gives us a bound for output for the current round, which recursively gives the bound for next round.

// the  constant wires are [q, 2*q^2, 4 * q^3, ..., 2^9 * q^10]
let mut output = input.to_vec();
let mut t = 512;
for l in 0..9 {
    let m = 1 << l;
    let ht = t / 2;
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut j1 = 0;
    while i < m {
        let s = param[m + i].clone();
        let j2 = j1 + ht;
        let mut j = j1;
        while j < j2 {
            // for the l-th loop, we know that all the output's
            // coefficients are less than q^{l+1}
            // therefore we have
            //  u < 2^l * q^{l+1}
            //  v < 2^l * q^{l+2}
            // and we have
            //  neg_v = q^{l+2} - v
            // note that this works when q^10 < F::Modulus
            // so all operations here becomes native field operations
            let u = output[j].clone();
            let v = &output[j + ht] * &s;
            let neg_v = &const_vars[l + 1] - &v;

            // output[j] and output[j+ht]
            // are between 0 and 2^{l+1} * q^{l+2}
            output[j] = &u + &v;
            output[j + ht] = &u + &neg_v;
            j += 1;
        i += 1;
        j1 += t
    t = ht;

// perform a final mod reduction to make the
// output into the right range
// this is the only place that we need non-native circuits
for e in output.iter_mut() {
    *e = mod_q(cs.clone(), e, &const_vars[0])?;
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