An implementation of a predicative polymorphic language with bidirectional type inference and algebraic data types


Vinilla Lang

Vanilla is a pure functional programming language based on System F, a classic but powerful type system.


Simple as it is, Vanilla contains many features that most main-stream languages don't have:

  • Higher-rank polymorphism
    • It allows using polymorphic functions as arguments of higher-order functions
  • Strong type inference
    • Only polymorphic and recursive bindings need annotations
  • Algebraic data types
  • Simplicity
    • Only foralls and arrows are built-in types
    • All regular types such as Unit and Bool can be declared as ADT and eliminated by case expression


  • No module system
  • For simplicity, this programming language only supports type checking and evaluation on closed terms.


Types           A, B, C   ::= T A1...An | a | ∀a.A | A → B
Monotypes       τ, σ      ::= T τ1...τn | a | τ → σ

Data Type       T         ::= T
Constructor     K         ::= K
Declaration     D         ::= data T = K1 τ1...τm | ... | Kn σ1...σn .
Pattern         p         ::= K x1...xn

Expressions     e, f      ::=   x                                     -- variable
                              | K                                     -- constructor
                              | case e of {pi → ei}                   -- case
                              | λx.e                                  -- implicit λ
                              | λx : A.e                              -- annotated λ
                              | e1 e2                                 -- application
                              | e : A                                 -- annotation
                              | let x = e1 in e2                      -- let binding
                              | let x : A = e1 in e2                  -- annotated let binding
                              | let rec f : A = e1 in e2              -- recursive binding (sugar)
                              | fix e                                 -- fixpoint
                              | e @ A                                 -- type application

Program         P         ::= D P | e

A valid Vanilla program consists of several ADT declarations followed by a main expression.

ADT declarations are similar to ones in Haskell, except that they end with a dot for easy parsing.

Haskell-style comments (-- and {- -}) are also supported.


First of all, ghc and cabal-install should be installed in your $PATH


Higher-rank Polymorphism

Given example/

data Unit = Unit.

-- Can you belive that
-- type `a` and `∀r. ((a → r) → r)` are isomorphic?

let cont : ∀a. a → ∀r. ((a → r) → r) =
  λ x . λ callback . callback x

let runCont : ∀a. (∀r. (a → r) → r) → a =
  λ f . (let callback = λ x . x in f callback)

-- should output Unit
runCont (cont Unit)


cabal run example/

It should output:



Map for Lists

Given example/

data Bool = False | True.
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a).

let rec map : ∀a. ∀b. (a → b) → (List a) → (List b) =
  λ f. λ xs. case xs of {
      Nil → Nil,
      Cons y ys → Cons (f y) (map f ys)

let not : Bool → Bool =
  λb. case b of {False → True, True → False}

let xs = Cons True (Cons False Nil) in

map not xs


$ cabal run example/

It should output:

List Bool

Cons False (Cons True Nil)

Add operator for Natural Numbers

Given example/

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat.
data Prod a b = Prod a b.

-- add can be defined by `fixpoint`
let add : Nat → Nat → Nat =
  fix (λf. λx : Nat . λy : Nat. case x of {Zero → y, Succ a → Succ (f a y)})

-- or `let rec`
let rec add2 : Nat → Nat → Nat =
  λ x . λ y . case x of {Zero → y, Succ a → Succ (add2 a y)}

let two = Succ (Succ Zero) in
let three = Succ two in

-- 3 + 2 = 5
Prod (add three two) (add2 three two)


$ cabal run example/

It should output the inferred type and evaluated value of this program:

Prod Nat Nat

Prod (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))) (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))

Mutual Recursion

Mutual recursive functions can be easily defined with the fixpoint and projections.

Given example/

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat.
data Bool = False | True.
data Prod a b = Prod a b.

let evenodd : Prod (Nat → Bool) (Nat → Bool) =
  fix (λ eo .
    let e = λ n : Nat . case n of { Zero → True, Succ x → (case eo of {Prod e o → o}) x } in
    let o = λ n : Nat . case n of { Zero → False, Succ x → (case eo of {Prod e o → e}) x } in
    (Prod e o))

let even = (case evenodd of {Prod e o → e}) in
let odd = (case evenodd of {Prod e o → o}) in

let five = Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))) in

Prod (even five) (odd five)

It reports:

Prod Bool Bool

Prod False True

Ill-typed Program

Given example/

let id : Nat → Nat =
  (λx . x)
  id ()

It reports typechecking error:

Typecheck error:
cannot establish subtyping with Unit <: Nat

Unit tests

$ cabal test
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite vanilla-test: RUNNING...
Test suite vanilla-test: PASS


  • Static semantic
  • Higher-rank polymorphism
  • Type inference
  • Dynamic semantic
  • Both annotated and implicit λ
  • Examples
  • Unit tests
  • Let Binding
  • Algebraic data types
    • Declarations
    • Introductions and eliminations
    • Well-formedness checking
  • Type application
  • Fixpoint for general recursion
  • Let rec
  • Parser
  • Pretty printing


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