Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program

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Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program. It allows matching a file line by line using regular expressions and can be configured using a JSON based configuration file.

Table of content


This program requires the latest version of Rust. To install minutecat-cli simplt clone the repository and run:

cargo install --path ./cli --locked


Command line

The following command will scan main.ccp for the word main. Use --help for more information and a list of available options.

logpeek ./main.cpp -r "main" -o "{}" -p

JSON Configuration

The following json can be specified using the -c flag. It is functionally identical to the command line example above

  "conditions": [
      "if_match": {
        "kind": {
          "Re": {
            "expr": "main"
        "or": [],
        "and": [],
        "not": false
      "then": {
        "Basic": {
          "message": "{}"
      "output_input": true,
      "else_then": null


This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.


All contributions are welcome. Both pull requests and issue reports are always appreciated. Please make sure that all existing tests pass before submitting a pull request.


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