πŸ›œ TUI for managing bluetooth devices


TUI for managing bluetooth devices

πŸ’‘ Prerequisites

A Linux based OS with bluez installed.

πŸš€ Installation

πŸ“₯ Binary release

You can download the pre-built binaries from the release page release page

πŸ“¦ crates.io

You can install bluetui from crates.io

cargo install bluetui

🐧 Arch Linux

You can install bluetui from the AUR with using an AUR helper.

paru -S bluetui

βš’οΈ Build from source

Run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/pythops/bluetui
cd bluetui
cargo build --release

This will produce an executable file at target/release/bluetui that you can copy to a directory in your $PATH.

πŸͺ„ Usage


Tab: Switch between different sections.

j or Down : Scroll down.

k or Up: Scroll up.

s: Start/Stop scanning.

?: Show help.

esc: Dismiss the help pop-up.

q or ctrl+c: Quit the app.


p: Enable/Disable the pairing.

o: Power on/off the adapter.

d: Enable/Disable the discovery.

Paired devices

u: Unpair the device.

Space: Connect/Disconnect the device.

t: Trust/Untrust the device.

New devices

p: Pair the device.

Custom keybindings

Keybindings can be customized in the config file $HOME/.config/bluetui/config.toml

toggle_scanning = "s"

toggle_pairing = "p"
toggle_power = "o"
toggle_discovery = "d"

unpair = "u"
toggle_connect = " "
toggle_trust = "t"

pair = "p"

βš–οΈ License


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