Tool to retrieve mev-share events data and scan for refunds onchain


MEV-Share Analysis

This repository can be used to retrieve historical events sent to mev-share and scan for any refunds that were sent to the users. This is still a WIP 🚧 and but it gets the job done and was useful in writing this thread for users on how to configure the hint params to have a better chance at getting a refund if mev is generated.

This repository can be used by data analysts and searchers.



git clone
cd mev-share-analysis
cargo build


  1. Retrieving all historical events

    # This retrieves all events since inception of mev-share (block: 17422191) to the latest block and continues to listen for new events until exited manually
    cargo run -- events &
  2. Retrieving events between a particular block range

    # This retrieves all events between the block range 17422191 and 17422199
    cargo run -- events --block-start 17422191 --block-end 17422199
  3. Scan for refunds

    # This scans for refunds in the database
    cargo run -- scan-refunds &

    Note: This takes all events in the database and looks whether they landed onchain and if they triggered a refund. You cannot specify a block range to scan for refunds only in that subset of events.

    Imp: You will need to create an index on the hint.hash field before running this.

    db.events_collection.createIndex({"hint.hash": 1})


  • Parallelize fetching historical events
  • Scanning for refunds in a block range
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