This is a simple command-line interface tool that allows you to interact with ChatGPT from OpenAI or Azure.

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Command-line heygpt


This is a simple command-line interface tool that allows you to interact with ChatGPT from OpenAI or Azure.

You can use it to:

  • Chat with ChatGPT and get responses
  • Quick chat with ChatGPT and get responses
  • Pipe text from another command into HeyGpt and get responses


Currently, to use HeyGpt you need an API key from OpenAI or Azure. You can sign up for that on their website.


Debian / Ubuntu / macOS

$ curl | bash


Please note that you will be prompted to enter your OpenAI or Azure API key during initialization, so make sure you have that ready.

You can also modify your configuration file located at .heygpt-config in your home directory.

  • To initialize your HeyGpt configuration with OpenAI, use the init command:
$ heygpt init
  • To initialize your HeyGpt configuration with Azure, use the init-azure command:
$ heygpt init-azure
  • To chat with ChatGPT, simply exec heygpt then type your message and press Enter.
$ heygpt
  • To quick chat with HeyGpt, use the quick chat command
$ heygpt "how to find my ip address" # The response will vary based on your system.
  • To pipe text from another command, use the pipe | character followed by heygpt, like so:
$ vim --help | heygpt "translate to traditional chinese" # cli-tool help message translate
$ cat | heygpt "wirte for this script" >> # generate document for some script

Build From Source

Installing Rust is necessary. If you don't have Rust installed, you can install it using the command below:

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  1. Clone this repo

  2. Go into heygpt then run command cargo build --release

    For Ubuntu also install: build-essential, pkg-config, openssl, libssl-dev, curl, git

  3. Copy target/release/heygpt to your PATH

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