The fastest way to get / set DDC values for a monitor


A simple tool suitable for adjusting external monitor's brightness.

Much faster than ddcutil, still faster than ddcset which enumerates all monitors. And it matches monitor by the output name you see from xrandr / wayland-info output.

monitor-control 0.1.0
lilydjwg <[email protected]>
The fastest way to get / set DDC values for a monitor



    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information


# get current and max brightness value
monitor-control DP-2 16
# set brightness to 50
monitor-control DP-2 16 50

Scripts to determine which monitor to adjust and show indicators like wob are left to other projects.

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    ❯ ls --tree /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/
     card0-HDMI-A-1
    ├──  ddc ⇒ ../../../i2c-1
    ├──  device ⇒ ../../card0
    ├──  dpms
    ├──  edid
    ├──  enabled
    ├──  modes
    ├──  power
    │   ├──  async
    │   ├──  autosuspend_delay_ms
    │   ├──  control
    │   ├──  runtime_active_kids
    │   ├──  runtime_active_time
    │   ├──  runtime_enabled
    │   ├──  runtime_status
    │   ├──  runtime_suspended_time
    │   └──  runtime_usage
    ├──  status
    ├──  subsystem ⇒ ../../../../../../../class/drm
    └──  uevent
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