Simple procedural macros `tnconst![...]`, `pconst![...]`, `nconst![...]` and `uconst![...]` that returns the type level integer from `typenum` crate.



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Procedural macros that take a literal integer (or the result of an evaluation of simple mathematical expressions or an environment variable whose value is a literal integer) and convert it to a typenum::Unsigned / typenum::Integer type-level positive/negative/unsigned integer.


It saves time.

Assuming you want a type-level positive integer 84938493, tnconst![+84938493] outputs directly typenum::PInt<U84938493> (by the way, U84938493 does not exist in typenum::consts). The alternative is to type PInt<Sum<Prod<Exp<..., ...>, ...>, ...>, ...> (which argubly takes a lot more time).


# use core::marker::PhantomData;
# use typenum_consts::tnconst;
# use typenum::*;
# #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
# type I32OrI64 = i32;
# #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
# type I32OrI64 = i64;
type ActualPositive84938493Type = tnconst![+84938493];
type ExpectedPositive84938493Type = PInt< // `PInt` implies positive integer at the type level
Prod<Exp<U10, U7>, U8>, // 10**7 * 8
Prod<Exp<U10, U6>, U4>, // 10**6 * 4
Prod<Exp<U10, U5>, U9>, // 10**5 * 9
Prod<Exp<U10, U4>, U3>, // 10**4 * 3
Prod<Exp<U10, U3>, U8>, // 10**3 * 8
Prod<Exp<U10, U2>, U4>, // 10**2 * 4
Prod<Exp<U10, U1>, U9>, // 10**1 * 9
Prod<Exp<U10, U0>, U3>, // 10**0 * 3

typenum::assert_type_eq!(ExpectedPositive84938493Type, ActualPositive84938493Type);
    <ExpectedPositive84938493Type as typenum::ToInt<I32OrI64>>::INT,
    <ActualPositive84938493Type as typenum::ToInt<I32OrI64>>::INT

For conditional compilation.

Suppose in different environments you want a different type-level integer, you can either use e.g. #[cfg(production)] type NUMBER = U69; or you can do the following:

use typenum::{U69, assert_type_eq};
use typenum_consts::uconst;
// ``` .env
// ENV_VAR=69
// ```
type E = uconst![env!("ENV_VAR");];
assert_type_eq!(E, U69);

All four macros, namely, tnconst![...], pconst![...], uconst![...] and nconst![...], can read literal integers from the environment.

Three ways to use it

Take pconst![...] as the example (the rest of the macros work almost identically).

1. Invoke it with a literal integer

use typenum::{P123, assert_type_eq};
use typenum_consts::pconst;
type A = pconst![123];
assert_type_eq!(A, P123);

2. Invoke using an expression or many simple mathematical expressions

use typenum::{P15, assert_type_eq};
use typenum_consts::pconst;
type D = pconst![{
    a = 10;
    b = 5;
    a + b; // Last statement is always the final returned value to be casted into `typenum` type-level integer, P15
assert_type_eq!(D, P15);

3. Invoke by reading from an environment variable

Note: env!(...) is a macro-like invocation. The first parameter is mandatory and is the key of the environment variable that pconst will read. The second parameter is optional and is the file path of the .env.* file to read the environment variable from, e.g. env!("ENV_VAR", "./"), "ENV_VAR" is the key to read the value from and "./" is the file path relative to CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR.

use typenum::{P69, assert_type_eq};
use typenum_consts::pconst;
// ``` .env
// ENV_VAR=69
// ```
type E = pconst![env!("ENV_VAR");];
assert_type_eq!(E, P69);


  • Feature gate evaluation of mathematical expressions and reading from environment variables.
  • Enable testing for Rust version 1.70.


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