Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper.



Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper.



To make sure the building of this repo in success, you should install some pre-packages.

The following guidance is tested on Ubuntu OS on x86 device.

Step 1. Install Clang and Rust required by Bindgen.

apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev clang curl wget git-lfs
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Step 2. Download and install pre-built mmdeploy package and onnxruntime. In this guidance, we choose a MMdepoloy prebuilt package target on ONNXRUNTIME-linux-x86.

tar -zxvf mmdeploy-0.8.0-linux-x86_64-onnxruntime1.8.1.tar.gz
pushd mmdeploy-0.8.0-linux-x86_64-onnxruntime1.8.1
export MMDEPLOY_DIR=$(pwd)/sdk

tar -zxvf onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.8.1.tgz
cd onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.8.1
export ONNXRUNTIME_DIR=$(pwd)

Step 3. (Optional) Install OpenCV required by examples.

apt install libopencv-dev

Step 4. (Optional) Download converted onnx model by mmdeploy

git clone --depth=1


Please read the previous section to make sure the required packages have been installed before using this crate.

Update your Cargo.toml

mmdeploy = "0.8.1"

APIs for MM Codebases

Good news: Now, you can use Rust language to build your fantastic applications powered by MMDeploy! Take a look by running some examples!

Models and Testdata

You can

Classifier API

Deploy image classification models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys a ResNet model converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example classifier cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/resnet ./images/demos/mmcls_demo.jpg

Detector API

Deploy object detection models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys a FasterRCNN model converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example detector cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/faster-rcnn-ort ./images/demos/mmdet_demo.jpg

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_detection.png.

Segmentor API

Deploy object segmentation models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys a DeepLabv3 model converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example segmentor cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/deeplabv3 ./images/demos/mmseg_demo.png

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_segmentation.png.

Pose detector API

Deploy pose detection models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys an HRNet model converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example pose_detector cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/hrnet ./images/demos/mmpose_demo.jpg

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_pose.png.

Rotated detector API

Deploy rotated detection models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys a RetinaNet model converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example rotated_detector cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/retinanet ./images/demos/mmrotate_demo.jpg

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_rotated_detection.png.


Deploy text detection and text recognition models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys a DBNet model for detection and a CRNN model for recognition both converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example ocr cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/dbnet ../mmdeploy-converted-models/crnn ./images/demos/mmocr_demo.jpg

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_ocr.png.

Restorer API

Deploy restorer models converted by MMDeploy.

The example deploys an EDSR model for restoration converted by ONNXRUNTIME target on CPU device.

cargo run --example restorer cpu ../mmdeploy-converted-models/edsr ./images/demos/mmediting_demo.png

A rendered result we can take a look located in the current directory and is named output_restorer.png.

TOSupport List

  • Classifier
  • Detector
  • Segmentor
  • Pose Detector
  • Rotated Detector
  • Text Detector
  • Text Recognizer
  • Restorer


  • PR for contributing a rust-mmdeploy-CI into MMDeploy
  • Test with TensorRT prebuilt package
  • Tutorial of rust-mmdeploy
  • Documentation of rust-mmdeploy and rust-mmdeploy-sys
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