Rust wrapping serial communication with ōRouter


orouter-serial (ōRouter serial protocol)

This crate provides typed messages used for serial communication between host and oRouter. It also contains codecs for different serial HW used in oRouter.

As a wire codec oRouter uses COBS encoding, specifically cobs rust crate but this is completely abstracted from user of this library.

For reading of messages one can use instance of [crate::host::MessageReader] - after it's created it can be fed incoming slices of bytes (u8s) and messages are returned in a [crate::heapless::Vec] when successfully decoded.


use orouter_serial::host::{
    codec::{UsbCodec, MAX_USB_FRAME_LENGTH},
    Message, MessageReader, StatusCode, RAWIQ_DATA_LENGTH,

const TEST_DATA: [u8; 4] = [0x03, 0xc5, 0x02, 0x00];

fn main() {
    let mut message_reader =
        MessageReader::<{ calculate_cobs_overhead(RAWIQ_DATA_LENGTH) }, 17>::default();
    // feed the message_reader with test data representing a Status message
    let messages = message_reader.process_bytes::<UsbCodec>(&TEST_DATA[..]).unwrap();
    println!("received messages = {:?}", messages);
        Some(Message::Status { code: StatusCode::FrameReceived}).as_ref()

for more complete read example refer to examples/

For encoding a message for being send over the serial line a method [crate::host::Message::encode] is used. However, if you know a type of serial line you will be using to send a message (USB or BLE) you can use [crate::host::Message::as_frames] method with a specific codec from [crate::host::codec] module to get message bytes framed in a way needed by the particular serial line type.


use std::str::FromStr;
use orouter_serial::host::{codec::UsbCodec, Message};

fn main() {
    // let's create a configuration message to set oRouter to EU region with spreading factor 7
    let message = Message::from_str("config@1|7").unwrap();
    // for simplicity just output the bytes
    println!("bytes = {:02x?}", message.encode().unwrap().as_slice());

    // now let's get frames for sending over USB
    let _frames = message.as_frames::<UsbCodec>().unwrap();

for more complete write example refer to examples/

Cargo features

  • std - on by default, exposes things which need standard library (e.g. Debug derives)
  • defmt-impl - add [defmt::Format] derive implementations

Dependant internal projects

  • cli host tool
  • node-overline-protocol
  • RTNOrouterProtocols
  • oRouter Desktop App
  • orouter-cli-miner
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