ReefDB is a minimalistic, in-memory and on-disk database management system written in Rust, implementing basic SQL query capabilities and full-text search.



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ReefDB is a minimalistic, in-memory and on-disk database management system written in Rust, implementing basic SQL query capabilities and full-text search.


  • In-Memory or On-Disk storage options
  • INNER JOIN support
  • Full-Text Search using Inverted Index
  • Custom data types (INTEGER, TEXT, FTS_TEXT)



To use ReefDB, you can choose between an in-memory storage (InMemoryReefDB) or on-disk storage (OnDiskReefDB).

In-Memory ReefDB Example

use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;

fn main() {
    let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
        "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

On-Disk ReefDB Example

use reefdb::OnDiskReefDB;

fn main() {
    let kv_path = "kv.db";
    let index = "index.bin";
    let mut db = OnDiskReefDB::new(kv_path.to_string(), index.to_string());

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
        "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

Full-Text Search Example

use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;

fn main() {
    let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE books (title TEXT, author TEXT, description FTS_TEXT)",
        "INSERT INTO books VALUES ('Book 1', 'Author 1', 'A book about the history of computer science.')",
        "INSERT INTO books VALUES ('Book 2', 'Author 2', 'A book about modern programming languages.')",
        "INSERT INTO books VALUES ('Book 3', 'Author 3', 'A book about the future of artificial intelligence.')",
        "SELECT title, author FROM books WHERE description MATCH 'computer science'",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

DELETE Example

use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;

fn main() {
    let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
        "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1",
        "SELECT * FROM users",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

UPDATE Example

use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;

fn main() {
    let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
        "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
        "UPDATE users SET name = 'Charlie' WHERE id = 1",
        "SELECT * FROM users",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);


use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;

fn main() {
    let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();

    let queries = vec![
        "CREATE TABLE authors (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
        "CREATE TABLE books (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, author_id INTEGER)",
        "INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
        "INSERT INTO authors VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
        "INSERT INTO books VALUES (1, 'Book 1', 1)",
        "INSERT INTO books VALUES (2, 'Book 2', 2)",
        "SELECT, books.title FROM authors INNER JOIN books ON = books.author_id",

    for query in queries {
        let result = db.query(query);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

Future Improvements (TODOs)

  • Implement support for more SQL statements such as ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, and additional JOIN types (LEFT, RIGHT, OUTER).
  • Add support for indexing and query optimization to improve performance.
  • Implement transaction support and atomicity for database operations (there is a transaction struct but it's not in autocommit mode like in sqlite)
  • Add support for user-defined functions, aggregate functions (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX), Grouping and sorting (GROUP BY and ORDER BY), and stored procedures.
  • Improve error handling and reporting.
  • Enhance the full-text search capability with more advanced text processing techniques such as stemming, tokenization, and handling of synonyms.
  • Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms for secure access to the database.
  • Add support for replication and distributed database management (using raft-rs?)
  • Implement a command-line interface or GUI for interacting with the database.
  • Improve documentation and provide examples for using the database in various use cases.
  • Write benchmarks and performance tests to measure and optimize the database performance.
  • Enforce constraints such as unique, primary key, foreign key, and check constraints to maintain data integrity.
  • Implement multi-threading and concurrency control for improved performance and safe parallel access to the database
  • Add support for handling various data types (e.g., date and time, binary data) and user-defined data types.
  • Optimize memory management and caching mechanisms for efficient resource utilization.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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  • `SELECT *` seems broken

    `SELECT *` seems broken

    🙏 This is a sweet looking library. I wanted to use Tantivy is WASM but it's a pain, so I'm hoping I can get this working in WASM.

    The in-memory example in the README doesn't work and I think it's because query parsing is broken for SELECT *. Changing SELECT * to SELECT works fine.

    use reefdb::InMemoryReefDB;
    fn main() {
        // test_inner_join();
        // test_fts_text_search();
    // It seems that `SELECT *` isn't working. The _FIXED version of the function
    // below does `SELECT` and that works.
    fn test_readme_in_memory_example() {
        let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();
        let queries = vec![
            "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
            "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
            "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
            "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1",
        for query in queries {
            let result = db.query(query);
            println!("Result: {:?}", result);
    fn test_readme_in_memory_example_FIXED() {
        let mut db = InMemoryReefDB::new();
        let queries = vec![
            "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
            "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice')",
            "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob')",
            "SELECT FROM users WHERE id = 1",
        for query in queries {
            let result = db.query(query);
            println!("Result: {:?}", result);


    Result: Ok(CreateTable)
    Result: Ok(Insert(1))
    Result: Ok(Insert(1))
    Failed to parse statement: Parsing Error: Error { input: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1", code: Tag }
    Result: Err(Other("Parsing Error: Error { input: \"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1\", code: Tag }"))
    Result: Ok(CreateTable)
    Result: Ok(Insert(1))
    Result: Ok(Insert(1))
    Result: Ok(Select([(0, [Text("Alice")])]))
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