A real-time event-oriented data-hub



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A real-time event-oriented data-hub, inspired by the data hub. It is:

  • Universal: the front end uses gRPC to provide services.
  • Fast: benchmarked 15000s of writes/s per instance and 20000s of reads/s.
  • Reliable: high-performance memory storage engine and persistent back-end data warehouse.
  • Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication.



Event-driven computing system architecture has become the main governance solution and technology evolution direction of various cloud vendors and cloud-native technology systems. To this end we initiated the Redcar project, focusing on:

  • Event cast, including multiple modes such as unicast, multicast, multicast and broadcast.
  • Exchange, provide routing capabilities between producers and consumers through the event bus.
  • Persistence, the ability to record and monitor the entire life cycle of events.
  • Replay, provides the ability to repeat historical events based on the persistent storage of events.

The vision is to explore and improve cloud event standards together with cloud native. Our goal is to achieve an event-hub.


The latest release and setup instructions are available at GitHub.


You can build redcar from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/redcar-io/redcar/
$ cd redcar
$ ./make
$ ./make install

This will generate a binary called ./bin/redcar.

NOTE: you need rust 1.55+. Please check your installation with

$ rustc --version


First start a redcar machine:

$ ./bin/redcar -a -o stdout

Next, let's set a single key, and then retrieve it:

$ ./bin/redcar-ctl -e "foo bar" put 
$ ./bin/redcar-ctl -e "foo" range


These are the clients for Redcar:

  • Go (The most stable and widely used)
  • Rust

If you want to try the Go client, see Go Client.




Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.

Redcar follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

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