A Linux script management CLI written in Rust


pier ~ A Linux script management tool

Build Status crates.io

A central repository to manage all your one-liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs. Add, remove, list, and run scripts - storing metadata to easily find them later. No more digging through your bin folder...

Boat pier


If you've spent any amount of time in the terminal you no doubt have built up a lovely collection of one-liners, scripts, useful tools, and CLIs. Whenever you want to use them you dig through your bin folder trying to remember what you called the script... Linux users love hard-to-remember naming conventions.

Scripts should be first-class citizens. In a GUI world we can find our programs using a menu of sorts. In the terminal scripts get lost.

The idea behind pier is to create a central repository for all your scripts, and provide a way to attach metadata about these scripts. Using pier you can add, remove, list, and run scripts. These can be managed by pier in a human-readable TOML config, or you can use it to catalog existing scripts that you may have lying around - you'd then simply add the metadata for the specific script, and attach it to the name in the PATH.


From Crates.io: cargo install pier

From GitHub release: simply download the release binary

Using Nix package manager:

  1. From GitHub release: make install or nix-env -if derivation.nix
  2. From source: update src in derivation to ./.

Recent Breaking Changes

Version 0.1.4:

The configuration variable default_interpreter has been removed:

default_interpreter = ["foorunner", "-c"]

So when upgrading from to 0.1.4 from an earlier version you will need to instead specify the variable in this format:

interpreter = ["foorunner", "-c"]


Use pier --help to display help on commandline or see src/cli.rs for a more detailed spec.

pier 0.1.4
Benjamin Scholtz, Isak Johansson
A simple script management CLI

    pier [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <alias>

    -h, --help       
            Prints help information

    -V, --version    
            Prints version information

    -v, --verbose    
            The level of verbosity

    -c, --config-file <path>    
            Sets a custom config file.
            DEFAULT PATH is otherwise determined in this order:
            - $PIER_CONFIG_PATH (environment variable if set)
            - pier.toml (in the current directory)
            - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pier/config.toml
            - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pier/config
            - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pier.toml
            - $HOME/.pier.toml
            - $HOME/.pier
             [env: PIER_CONFIG_PATH=]

            The alias or name for the script.

    add       Add a new script to config.
    edit      Edit a script matching alias.
    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list      alias: ls - List scripts
    remove    alias: rm - Remove a script matching alias.
    run       Run a script matching alias.
    show      Show a script matching alias.
  • pier list
  • pier add "ip link set wlp58s0 down && sleep 5 && ip link set wlp58s0 up" --alias refresh-wifi
  • pier refresh-wifi

Example pier TOML config

alias = "refresh-wifi"
command = "ip link set wlp58s0 down && sleep 5 && ip link set wlp58s0 up"

alias = "twa-analyze"
command = "docker run --rm -t trailofbits/twa -vw"
tags = [ "infosec" ]

alias = "enabled-services"
command = "systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled"

alias = "flush-docker"
command = "docker container stop $(docker container ls -a -q) && docker system prune -a -f --volumes"
description = "A script to clear out old Docker containers and images"
tags = [ "docker", "flush" ]

Example pier list output

▶ pier list           
 Alias             | Command 
 fromscratch       | appimage-run ~/AppImage/FromScratch.1.4.3.AppImage 
 nspawn-bionic     | sudo systemd-nspawn --bind=/tmp/.X11-unix -D /var/lib/machines/bionic --bind /home/bscholtz:/home/bscholtz 
 bspwm-refresh     | .config/bspwm/bspwmrc 
 flush-docker      | docker container stop $(docker container ls -a -q) && docker system prune -a -f --volumes 
 zfs-compression   | sudo zfs get all | grep compressratio 
 mongo-docker      | docker run --name mongodb -d mongo:latest 
 forward-mongo     | kubectl port-forward mongo-molecule-set-0 27018:27017 
 refresh-wifi      | ip link set wlp58s0 down && sleep 5 && ip link set wlp58s0 up 
 lepton            | appimage-run ~/AppImage/Lepton-1.8.0-x86_64.AppImage 
 ledger            | appimage-run AppImage/ledger-live-desktop-1.6.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage 
 reload-urxvt      | xrdb ~/.Xresources 
 kill-docker       | rm -rf /var/lib/docker 
 reload-xresources | xrdb ~/.Xresources 
 graphiql          | appimage-run ~/AppImage/graphiql-app-0.7.2-x86_64.AppImage 
 enabled-services  | systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled 
 ports             | netstat -tulpn 
 chmod-copy        | chmod --reference= 
 zfs-drop-caches   | sync; echo 2 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 
 update            | sudo nix-channel --update && sudo nixos-rebuild switch 
 flush-untagged    | docker images -q --filter dangling=true | xargs -r docker rmi 
 twa-analyze       | docker run --rm -t trailofbits/twa -vw 
 parity-ubuntu     | docker image pull yodascholtz/parity-ubuntu:latest && docker run -p 8545:8545 yodascholtz/parity-ubuntu:latest

Execute pier scripts in any interpreted languages

Scripts starting with a shebang #! will be run with the specified interpeter just like it would in a normal script. Pier does this by creating a temp file from your script, executing it and then finally cleaning the file up. This allows you to write your pier script in python, node.js etc. even compiled languages can be run if using something like scriptisto.

Shebang example config

alias = "run_rust_script"
command = '''
#!/usr/bin/env scriptisto

// scriptisto-begin
// script_src: src/main.rs
// build_cmd: cargo build --release && strip ./target/release/script
// target_bin: ./target/release/script
// files:
//  - path: Cargo.toml
//    content: |
//     package = { name = "script", version = "0.1.0", edition = "2018"}
//     [dependencies]
// scriptisto-end

fn main() {
    println!("This is a rust script!");


alias = "run_python"
command = '''
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys

print("Running python with version {}".format(sys.version))


Setting the default shell / interpreter

By default if no shebang is specified pier will try to use your default shell to execute the script inline. This can be overwritten with the variable interpreter. It needs to be a list with the first item being the binary and the rest is any flags necessary.

Default interpreter example config

# Sets the default interpreter, the first item in the list should be the binary and the rest are the arguments for the interpreter cli option.
interpreter = ["node", "-e"]

# Runs as the fallback interpreter nodejs as it's lacking a shebang
alias = "hello_world_nodejs"
command = '''
console.log("Hello world!")


# This will be run as a posix sh script as it has a shebang
alias = "a_shell_script"
command = '''

nohup st > /dev/null 2>&1&



Originally intended as a way to manage Docker one-liners, the name pier continues along the same maritime theme. I realized Pier can manage a lot more than just Docker scripts.

Roadmap to v1.0.0

  • Fuzzy search + autocomplete e.g. prompts for alias
  • Complete base features: mv, tag
  • Rework testing
  • Update documentation e.g. contributor guidelines, templates
  • Config file generation

    Config file generation

    Hi, just getting started with the tool, so I may have overlooked something!

    From what I understand, we are meant to create our own config file and store the path as an environment variable for pier, right?

    Would it be beneficial to have pier automatically generate a config file (and store it in /usr/bin or something) by default? Or is this against the vision/idea in some way?

    opened by niniack 11
  • Weird parsing of escaped characters

    Weird parsing of escaped characters

    Hi, I'm trying to add a one-liner with this snippet in it: sed -r "s/^[0-9.]+\s+//" However, when it gets parsed, this part of the command transforms to: sed -r s/^[0-9.]+s+//

    Once I replaced \s with [ ], the command parsed correctly. Is this a bug or something I have to work around?

    opened by rirze 11
  • # Ideas / thoughts about how to implement args.

    # Ideas / thoughts about how to implement args.

    The args feature has been mocked up for a while and I've had it in the back of my mind how it would be good to implement it, initially I was thinking you could just do some templating but I pretty soon realized that it's a pretty big security flaw as you could then literally inject code before you run it.

    Right now I'm leaning towards the best option would be to implement arguments/options as env variables, perhaps via a key/value cli arg with the ability to set defaults for a tag/script in the configt.

    I imagine the cli option for setting environment variables to something like -E/--env it could look something like this perhaps: pier run build_something -E RUST_BACKTRACE:1 -E DB_HOST:

    opened by Plommonsorbet 8
  • Code cleanup

    Code cleanup


    Thought I would do some more code cleanup and reorganizing, also updated the help text and some other small things like adding aliases to the subcommands, like ls for list and rm for remove.

    I also changed from clap to structopt as it makes the commandline options a lot more structured.


    opened by Plommonsorbet 7
  • Improve table & colorize

    Improve table & colorize


    Love your work, but I felt the table needed some more life. So I custom-made a table, with space for titles and descriptions, and put some color on it. It also works with pipes. I also created a result specific type, analog to PierError. Looking forward to hear your comments.


    opened by DanielRivasMD 4
  • Show output to stderr as it happens.

    Show output to stderr as it happens.

    I'm using a shell script managed by pier to perform various update tasks. One of these tasks is running rustup update. Currently, when I run this script, some of the progress output goes to stderr and is only visible after the whole script finishes. I think it would be better to show stderr output as it is produced by the script subprocess.

    I think the issue might stem from this line.

    opened by korrat 4
  • Open in $EDITOR feature.

    Open in $EDITOR feature.

    If no script arg is entered at command line it will try and open the users EDITOR. Also added subcommand edit for editing an already defined command, only supports editing the script. Would be nice to add the ability to edit the tags, description etc as well.

    opened by Plommonsorbet 4
  • Multiline command not displaying table correctly when running list

    Multiline command not displaying table correctly when running list

    The list command is creating a new table row when dispaying multiline commands, ex:

    Alias | tags | Command --- | --- | --- 1-test-single-line | - | echo this is a single line command 2-test-multi-line | - | echo This - | - | echo is - | - | echo over - | - | echo multiple - | - | echo lines 3-test-another-single-line | - | echo this is another single line command

    Converted the ascii table to markdown table for nicer viewing. The minus sign can be interpreted as nothing or whitespace.

    Config to reproduce error:

    alias = '1-test-single-line'
    command = '''
    echo this is a single line command
    alias = '2-test-multi-line'
    command = '''
    echo This
    echo is
    echo over
    echo multiple
    echo lines
    alias = '3-test-another-multi-line'
    command = '''
    echo this is another single line command
    opened by Plommonsorbet 4
  • implement and test copy subcmd

    implement and test copy subcmd

    The new subcmd takes two alias, copys over the script to the new alias. It checks the existing alias exist and the new script doesn't. Added test to verify copy. Fixes #45

    Note: Hey guys. New to rust here but interested in the tech. Comments and reviews welcomed :)

    opened by yhung119 3
  • implement argument passing

    implement argument passing

    If pier supports passing arguments to the scripts, it would be flexible. So I have tried to implement.

    I wanted to split alias and arguments which are combined into a Vec<String> in Cli structure, but when I tried, the binary always crashed. I would happy if someone implements that :).

    opened by jayong93 3
  • Run output boiler plate suggestions?

    Run output boiler plate suggestions?

    Currently it's a bit hard to pipe the output of pier into anything else as there is a bit of boiler plate in the run output. I've been thinking a bit about how to solve this, some of my ideas are:

    • Remove it completely.
    • Move it to only print on verbose mode.
    • Add an option for a 'quiet-mode'

    Personally I think the best option would be to move it to only print in verbose mode, I think it can be nice to see sometimes. But usually you want to be able to do something with the output and having to use a flag every time you want to pipe pier to something else could get a bit annoying.

    I'd love to hear your opinion Ben / anyone else :)

    opened by Plommonsorbet 3
  • Bump prettytable-rs from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0

    Bump prettytable-rs from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0

    Bumps prettytable-rs from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from prettytable-rs's releases.



    • Fix panic due to incorrect ANSI escape handling #137
    • Fix display of empty tables #127


    • Remove the unsafe code in Table::as_ref #146
    • Switch atty to is-terminal #151
    • Minimal Supported Rust Version bumped to 1.56



    This release has been updated with latest dependencies versions.

    This crate has been abandonned without notice for quite a while due to some personnal reasons. My apologies for that. I'll try to do my best to continue to maintain it, at least for security updates. If I can't the find time to do it, I'll have no other option than deprecating it, or find new contributors to handover the maintenance to. Feel free to raise your hand if you're interrested. In the meantime, please expect a low update rate, and again please accept my apologies.

    I'll do a pass on opened PRs after summer vacations.


    Sourced from prettytable-rs's changelog.

    0.10.0 (2022-12-27)


    • Fix panic due to incorrect ANSI escape handling (#137)
    • Fix display of empty tables (#127)


    • Remove the unsafe code in Table::as_ref (#146)
    • Switch atty to is-terminal (#151)
    • Minimal Supported Rust Version bumped to 1.56


    #127: phsym/prettytable-rs#127 #137: phsym/prettytable-rs#137 #145: phsym/prettytable-rs#145 #146: phsym/prettytable-rs#146 #151: phsym/prettytable-rs#151


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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • :feature-request: add fuzzy search menu bolow

    :feature-request: add fuzzy search menu bolow

    may its a bit different concept. i possible please add to your to-do-list: add fuzzy search menu bolow. i tried to do something with https://github.com/sl5net/Lintalist4Linux thanks

    opened by sl5net 2
  • Add Shell basic shell completion.

    Add Shell basic shell completion.

    I had to change some of the cli options around to make the shell completions more usable. To the user the cli should act the same however.

    Added build script for generating completion files to SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR or completions.

    TODO installation script for completion files.

    opened by Plommonsorbet 0
  • Allow new scripts to be added from stdin with the add command

    Allow new scripts to be added from stdin with the add command

    This option would make migrating existing shell scripts to pier a lot easier!

    Example usage

    echo 'for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done' | pier add -a count_to_ten

    Perhaps in the future we could add a json input option as well where you dump the whole script struct into stdin. :)

    opened by Plommonsorbet 0
  • Shell completion

    Shell completion

    Pier is lacking shell completions at the moment for all the cli options, however since pier is using clap / structopt this does not seem relatively easy to do.

    To start with perhaps we should limit it to bash / zsh just to keep it simple, however it seems like it's possible to generate powershell / fish completions via clap as well.

    I'm not sure how well pier works on windows right now at least, but I'd be curious to know.

    Useful links:

    docs.rs about the shell generation in clap structopt example code for generating shell completions

    opened by Plommonsorbet 4
  • Maybe we should create a gihub wiki or a pier-contrib repo?

    Maybe we should create a gihub wiki or a pier-contrib repo?

    I think it would be cool if we had some sort of platform where we can share scripts, workflow examples, extensions etc. I always appreciate learning about other people's workflows and it feels appropriate to have something like that considering the tool. It's also a good place to increase the documentation and link to related tools.

    • Here's a very simple fzf menu i made that perhaps would be interesting to add to something like that:
    pfz() {
        pier list -q \
            | fzf -m --preview 'pier show {} | bat --color=always' \
            --bind 'ctrl-y:execute(pier show {} | xsel -b)+abort' \
            | xargs -n 1 -I {} pier run {}
    • I was considering creating an emacs plugin for pier as way to learn elisp, my idea is implementing a plugin with fuzzy selection, execution, repl / paste to buffer etc. Obviously that would go in a separate repository but things like that would be a good place to link from a wiki.

    Some examples of what I mean:

    • https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/examples
    • https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras
    • https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks-contrib
    opened by Plommonsorbet 5
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