A CLI for extracting libraries from Apple's dyld shared cache file



As of macOS Big Sur, instead of shipping the system libraries with macOS, Apple ships a generated cache of all built in dynamic libraries and excludes the originals. This tool allows you to extract these libraries from the cache for reverse engineering.


Extract the default shared cache to /tmp/libraries:

dyld-shared-cache-extractor /System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_arm64e /tmp/libraries



brew install keith/formulae/dyld-shared-cache-extractor

Manually, after installing rust:

cargo install --locked --path .

More details

There are a few different ways you can interact with these shared caches.

  1. Depending on what you're doing inspecting them in Hopper is the easiest option
  2. For a bit more functionality you can build the dyld_shared_cache_util target from the latest dyld source dump, but this requires some modifications

The problem with the 2 options above is that they can lag behind format changes in the shared cache. This tool loads the private dsc_extractor.bundle from Xcode, meaning it should always be able to extract the shared cache files even from beta OS versions (potentially using a beta Xcode version).

This logic is based on the function at the bottom of dyld3/shared-cache/dsc_extractor.cpp from the dyld source dump.

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