WriteForAll is a text file style checker, that compares text documents with editorial tips to make text better.


WriteForAll: tips to make text better

WriteForAll is a text file style checker, that compares text documents with editorial tips to make text better.

WriteForAll is similar in ways to text spell checkers, text style checkers, and text auto-suggestion tools.



Beginner commands

To get help, or version, or usage:

$ writeforall --help
$ writeforall --version
$ writeforall --usage

Create tip.json

Create a file tip.json with this text:

    "search": ["men", "women"], 
    "suggest": ["people"]

Create example.txt

Create a file example.txt with this text:

all men are created equal

Run the command with --tip and --input

To run WriteForAll with a tip file name and input file name:

writeforall --tip tip.json --input example.txt

The result is this output:

example.txt  4  men  people

The command line option can process multiple items such as:

writeforall --tip tip1.json tip2.json --input example1.txt example2.txt

The command line option can process a directory recursively such as:

writeforall --tip tips --input examples
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