UnTeX is both a library and an executable that allows you to manipulate and understand TeX files.

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Utilities untex


Crates.io docs.rs

UnTeX is both a library and an executable that allows you to manipulate and understand TeX files.



If you wish to use the executable, you can install it with Cargo:

cargo install untex --version 0.1.1-alha

Warning: as UnTeX is still in alpha version, you must specify the version to download with Cargo.


You can use UnTeX in your Rust project by adding to your Cargo.toml:

untex = "0.1.1-alpha"


As this project is under active development, expect non backward compatible changes from version to version.


  • Declare a Lexer trait instead of an enum to avoid useless code
  • Define command regexes in a config files (and maybe some can be hardcoded)
  • Recursively lex files that are given by \input commands
  • Keep fileno reference inside lexers
  • Construct a list of file depedencies (\input, \includegraphics, ...)
  • ...


Contributions are more than welcome!

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