Integration between arrow-rs and extendr



arrow-extendr is a crate that facilitates the transfer of Apache Arrow memory between R and Rust. It utilizes extendr, the {nanoarrow} R package, and arrow-rs.


At present, versions of arrow-rs are not compatible with each other. This means if your crate uses arrow-rs version 48.0.1, then the arrow-extendr must also use that same version. As such, arrow-extendr uses the same versions as arrow-rs so that it is easy to match the required versions you need.


  • 48.0.1
  • 49.0.0
  • 49.0.0-geoarrow (not available on but is the current Git version)

Motivating Example

Say we have the following DBI connection which we will send requests to using arrow. The result of dbGetQueryArrow() is a nanoarrow_array_stream. We want to count the number of rows in each batch of the steam using Rust.

# adapted from

con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
data <- data.frame(
  a = runif(10000, 0, 10),
  b = rnorm(10000, 4.5),
  c = sample(letters, 10000, TRUE)

dbWriteTable(con, "tbl", data)

We can write an extendr function which creates an ArrowArrayStreamReader from an &Robj. In the function we instantiate a counter to keep track of the number of rows per chunk. For each chunk we print the number of rows.

/// @export
fn process_stream(stream: Robj) -> i32 {
    let rb = ArrowArrayStreamReader::from_arrow_robj(&stream)

    let mut n = 0;

    rprintln!("Processing `ArrowArrayStreamReader`...");
    for chunk in rb {
        let chunk_rows = chunk.unwrap().num_rows();
        rprintln!("Found {chunk_rows} rows");
        n += chunk_rows as i32;


With this function we can use it on the output of dbGetQueryArrow() or other Arrow related DBI functions.

query <- dbGetQueryArrow(con, "SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE a < 3")
#> Processing `ArrowArrayStreamReader`...
#> Found 256 rows
#> Found 256 rows
#> Found 256 rows
#> ... truncated ...
#> Found 256 rows
#> Found 256 rows
#> Found 143 rows
#> [1] 2959
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  • Use nanoarrow instead of arrow

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    I would probably encourage writers of Rust extensions to go through nanoarrow (e.g., via as_nanoarrow_array_stream() or as_nanoarrow_array()) rather than arrow directly.


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