qsv - Performant CLI tool to query CSVs through SQL

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Command-line qsv


Performant CLI tool to query CSVs through SQL


After cloning the repository, you can install a binary locally using cargo install --path .



The intention is for all SQLite syntax to be supported with CSVs as the data source including: joins, subqueries, CTEs, unions, etc...

Simple queries

qsv supports syntactically valid SQLite queries run on CSV data:

qsv query "SELECT * FROM foo.csv AS foo INNER JOIN bar.csv AS bar ON (foo.id = bar.foo_id);"

qsv query "WITH ages(age) AS (SELECT age FROM testdata/people.csv) SELECT * FROM testdata/people.csv AS people INNER JOIN ages ON (people.age = ages.age);"

you can escape spaces in a filename like so (you may have to escape backticks depending on shell):

qsv query "select * from `testdata/occupations with spaces.csv`"

you can load from gzipped CSV data:

qsv query "select * from testdata/people.csv.gz"

Statistical analysis

qsv can run some limited statistical analyses on a CSV given to it, returning things like the mean, standard deviation, top 10 most common values for each column:

qsv stats testdata/statistical.csv

SQLite user defined functions

In order to make some common data analysis tasks simpler, qsv has a number of user defined functions added to SQLite. If there's something you'd like added, please request it as a Github Issue.

  • md5(text)
  • sqrt(real)
  • stddev(real)
  • mean(real)


  • --delimiter= to set a custom delimiter in the CSVs. Only set globally on the query
  • --textonly force all columns to be inferred as strings/text
  • --trim trim fields in CSVs in case there is additional whitespace. Will not remove whitespace from the middle of a string
  • --output-header outputs the header alongside the results of the query. Off by default to make the output more in line with SQL
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