Conditional compilation using boolean expression syntax, rather than any(), all(), not()

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Data structures efg

Conditional compilation expressions

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Conditional compilation using boolean expression syntax, rather than any(), all(), not().

efg = "0.1"


Rust's cfg and cfg_attr conditional compilation attributes use a restrictive domain-specific language for specifying configuration predicates. The syntax is described in the Conditional compilation page of the Rust reference. The reason for this syntax as opposed to ordinary boolean expressions was to accommodate restrictions that old versions of rustc used to have on the grammar of attributes.

However, all restrictions on the attribute grammar were lifted in Rust 1.18.0 by rust-lang/rust#40346. This crate explores implementing conditional compilation using ordinary boolean expressions instead: &&, ||, ! as usual in Rust syntax.

built into rustc this crate
#[cfg(any(thing1, thing2, …))] #[efg(thing1 || thing2 || …)]
#[cfg(all(thing1, thing2, …))] #[efg(thing1 && thing2 && …)]
#[cfg(not(thing))] #[efg(!thing)]


A real-world example from the quote crate:

#[efg(feature = "proc-macro" && !(target_arch = "wasm32" && target_os = "unknown"))]
extern crate proc_macro;

and from the proc-macro2 crate:

#[efg(super_unstable || feature = "span-locations")]
pub fn start(&self) -> LineColumn {


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
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    First of all, I think this crate is a great idea! It always irked me how verbose the syntax for cfg was compared to regular Rust.

    Suggestion: if we're going for syntax simplification, I'd love to also simplify frequent not(feature = "somefeature") not only to !(feature = "somefeature") but all the way to feature != "somefeature".

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    opened by RReverser 5
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    Unfortunately the RFC hasn't seen any updates in a while, but the challenges it attempts to address still exist. I'm wondering whether efg could help prototype syntax to specify ranges within attributes. It'd be neat if we could target a specific version range Windows by writing something like this:

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    #[cfg(windows && "6.0.6000" <= os_version < "7.3.5000")]

    I'm not sure what this feature should look like, but I think having the ability to specify ranges using shorthands would be neat as well. What do you think?

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