Drop-in embedded database


Struct DB πŸ”§ πŸ”©

All Contributors


Provides a drop-in, fast, and embedded database solution, focusing on maintaining coherence between Rust types and stored data with minimal boilerplate. It supports multiple indexes, real-time watch with filters, schema migration, enjoy 😌 πŸƒ .


  • Fast as the storage engine you choose (redb, IndexDB planned*).
  • Embedded database (Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, WebBrowser WASM planned*).
  • Support multiple indexes (unique secondary keys).
  • Compatible with all Rust types (enum, struct, tuple etc.).
  • Query data (get, watch, iter etc.) using explicit type or type inference.
  • Real-time subscription with filters for insert, update and delete operations.
  • Schema migration using native Rust coercion.
  • Fully ACID-compliant transactions.
  • Add your own serialization/deserialization logic planned* (e.g: zero-copy).
  • Thread-safe.
  • Plus, all features depending on the storage engine you choose:
    • redb support: Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS.
    • IndexDB support: WebBrowser (WASM) planned*.
    • Open an issue if you want to add another storage engine.


Early development. Not ready for production.

How to use?

See docs.rs.


use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use struct_db::*;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
    fn_primary_key(p_key),  // required
    fn_secondary_key(s_key),  // optional
    // ... other fn_secondary_key ...
struct Data(u32, String);

impl Data {
  // Returns primary key as big-endian bytes for consistent lexicographical ordering.
  pub fn p_key(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

  // Generates a secondary key combining the String field and the big-endian bytes of
  // the primary key for versatile queries.
  pub fn s_key(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut s_key = self.1.as_bytes().to_vec();

 fn main() {
  let mut db = Db::init_tmp("my_db_example").unwrap();
  // Initialize the schema

  // Insert data
  let txn = db.transaction().unwrap();
    let mut tables = txn.tables();
    tables.insert(&txn, Data(1,"red".to_string())).unwrap();
    tables.insert(&txn, Data(2,"red".to_string())).unwrap();
    tables.insert(&txn, Data(3,"blue".to_string())).unwrap();
  let txn_read = db.read_transaction().unwrap();
  let mut tables = txn_read.tables();
  // Retrieve data with p_key=3 
  let retrieve_data: Data = tables.primary_get(&txn_read, &3_u32.to_be_bytes()).unwrap().unwrap();
  println!("data p_key='3' : {:?}", retrieve_data);
  // Iterate data with s_key="red" String
  for item in tables.secondary_iter_start_with::<Data>(&txn_read, DataKey::s_key, "red".as_bytes()).unwrap() {
    println!("data s_key='1': {:?}", item);
  // Remove data
  let txn = db.transaction().unwrap();
    let mut tables = txn.tables();
    tables.remove(&txn, retrieve_data).unwrap();


The following features are planned before the 1.0 release

  • Stabilize the wording, if you have any suggestion follow this issue πŸ™ .
  • Add benchmarks tests.
  • Add documentation.
  • Stable release of redb or implement another stable storage engine(s) for Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS.
  • Add support for IndexDB (WebBrowser).
  • Add support for custom serialization/deserialization logic.
  • Add CI for Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, WebBrowser.


Akshith Madhur
Akshith Madhur

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  • Configure Renovate

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    Mend Renovate

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    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 2 Pull Requests:

    fix(deps): update rust crate redb to 0.18.0
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    • Branch name: renovate/redb-0.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade redb to 0.18.0
    chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
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    • Upgrade actions/checkout to v3

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