A color-coded visualization tool for the instructions of an anchor program



A color-coded visualization tool for the instructions of an anchor program.

basic_2 (This is a schematic of basic-2 from anchor's examples/tutorial directory)


Via cargo:

cargo install anchor-viz

From source:

To install, run

git clone https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/anchor-viz
cd anchor-viz

to build the executable. On linux/mac, you can run

git clone https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/anchor-viz
cd anchor-viz
make linux-mac

to build the executable and then copy it to /usr/local/bin/ to link the executable (assuming /usr/local/bin is in your PATH).


To use anchor-viz, run anchor-viz in the root directory of an anchor project or in a program directory. For example,

anchor init my_project
cd my_project # or cd my_project/programs/my_project

Otherwise, specify the program name via anchor-viz -p my_program while in the root of the anchor project.

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