Number names is a Rust library to provide formatted string names for cardinal and ordinal numbers.


Number Names

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Number names is a Rust library to provide formatted string names for cardinal and ordinal numbers.

At this time, only American English is supported, but there are future plans for i18n.

Example usage:

assert_eq!(number_names::cardinal(10), "ten");
assert_eq!(number_names::ordinal(10), "tenth");

See full documentation at


As this is my first project in Rust, I'm sure there are significant improvements to be made in both the algorithms and implementation. I will gladly accept any constructive criticisms, suggestions or pull requests that make this small project more efficient or accurate.

More specific needs include expanding the library to more languages. To add a language, create a file in the /languages folder with the IETF language tag for the language, in snake_case. Implement the cardinal_with_format and ordinal_with_format public functions, returning Strings for each u64 number. Add a tests module (either separately or in the same file) with tests covering several generic as well as specific edge-cases for the language. Add an option to the number_names::languages::Language enum with the IETF tag in CamelCase. Send me a pull request with the completed changes once all your tests are passing!


With the release of version 0.2.0 that saw significant refactoring to make the library more extensible for both formatting and languages, my hope is that the API is now relatively stable. I hope developers will open issues or submit enhancements to help strengthen these foundations. I will continue to maintain this library and intend to promote the most current version to 1.0 to signify stability no sooner than 6 months after the most recent breaking change.

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    Updates the requirements on rstest to permit the latest version.

    Release notes

    Sourced from rstest's releases.


    Introduce #[once] fixture attribute


    Sourced from rstest's changelog.

    [0.12.0] 2021/12/12


    • Add #[once] fixture attribute to create static fixtures (See #119)


    • Fixed check of available features before to enable macro diagnostic (See #126)

    [0.11.0] 2021/08/01


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    ... (truncated)


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    opened by dependabot[bot] 2
  • Update rstest requirement from 0.11.0 to 0.13.0

    Update rstest requirement from 0.11.0 to 0.13.0

    Updates the requirements on rstest to permit the latest version.

    Release notes

    Sourced from rstest's releases.



    Introduce #[timeout] attribute


    Sourced from rstest's changelog.

    [0.13.0] 2022/05/15


    • #[timeout(duration)] test implementation for both sync and async tests (See #136)


    • Split rstest in separated crates for macro and libs (See #32)

    [0.12.0] 2021/12/12


    • Add #[once] fixture attribute to create static fixtures (See #119)


    • Fixed check of available features before to enable macro diagnostic (See #126)

    [0.11.0] 2021/08/01


    • use mutable fixture in in cases and value list (See #121)

    [0.10.0] 2021/05/16



    • Wired behaviour in #[fixture] with generics types that have transitive reference (See #116)

    [0.9.0] 2021/05/2


    • #[future] arg attribute to remove impl Future<> boilerplate. (See #98)

    [0.8.0] 2021/4/25


    • Magic Conversion: use literal string for define values where type implements FromStr trait (See #111)

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

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