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Command-line cyw43

ARCHIVED - moved into the main Embassy repo


WIP driver for the CYW43439 wifi chip, used in the Raspberry Pi Pico W. Implementation based on Infineon/wifi-host-driver.

Current status


  • Station mode (joining an AP).
  • AP mode (creating an AP)
  • Scanning
  • Sending and receiving Ethernet frames.
  • Using the default MAC address.
  • embassy-net integration.
  • RP2040 PIO driver for the nonstandard half-duplex SPI used in the Pico W.
  • Using IRQ for device events
  • GPIO support (for LED on the Pico W)


  • Setting a custom MAC address.
  • Bus sleep (unclear what the benefit is. Is it needed for IRQs? or is it just power consumption optimization?)

Running the examples

  • cargo install probe-rs-cli
  • cd examples/rpi-pico-w

Example 1: Scan the wifi stations

  • cargo run --release --bin wifi_scan

Example 2: Create an access point (IP and credentials in the code)

  • cargo run --release --bin tcp_server_ap

Example 3: Connect to an existing network and create a server

  • WIFI_NETWORK=MyWifiNetwork WIFI_PASSWORD=MyWifiPassword cargo run --release

After a few seconds, you should see that DHCP picks up an IP address like this

11.944489 DEBUG Acquired IP configuration:
11.944517 DEBUG    IP address:
11.944620 DEBUG    Default gateway:
11.944722 DEBUG    DNS server 0:

This example implements a TCP echo server on port 1234. You can try connecting to it with:

nc 1234

Send it some data, you should see it echoed back and printed in the firmware's logs.


This work is licensed under either of

at your option.

  • Panic on initialize

    Panic on initialize

    Looks like I'm seeing a hardfault/panic when initializing with clm:

    panicked at 'range end index 5397528 out of range for slice of length 136', library/core/src/slice/

    Full stacktrace:

    0.002340 INFO  Hello World!
    └─ cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src/
    0.272981 INFO  waiting for ping...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    0.273472 INFO  ping ok
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    0.274477 INFO  waiting for clock...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    0.274705 INFO  clock ok
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    0.275381 INFO  chip ID: 43439
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    0.279832 INFO  loading fw
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.706844 INFO  loading nvram
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.718915 INFO  starting up core...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.741766 INFO  waiting for wifi init...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.825687 INFO  init done 
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.825918 INFO  Downloading CLM...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
    3.846078 ERROR panicked at 'range end index 5397528 out of range for slice of length 136', library/core/src/slice/
    └─ panic_probe::print_defmt::print @ /home/noah/.cargo/registry/src/
    stack backtrace:
       0: HardFaultTrampoline
          <exception entry>
       1: lib::inline::__udf
            at ./asm/
       2: __udf
            at ./asm/
       3: cortex_m::asm::udf
            at /home/noah/.cargo/registry/src/
       4: rust_begin_unwind
            at /home/noah/.cargo/registry/src/
       5: core::panicking::panic_fmt
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/
       6: core::slice::index::slice_end_index_len_fail_rt
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
       7: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/ops/
       8: core::intrinsics::const_eval_select
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
       9: core::slice::index::slice_end_index_len_fail
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
      10: <core::ops::range::Range<usize> as core::slice::index::SliceIndex<[T]>>::index
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
      11: <core::ops::range::RangeTo<usize> as core::slice::index::SliceIndex<[T]>>::index
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
      12: core::slice::index::<impl core::ops::index::Index<I> for [T]>::index
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/slice/
      13: cyw43::Runner<PWR,SPI>::rx
            at /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
      14: cyw43::Runner<PWR,SPI>::run::{{closure}}
            at /home/noah/repos/cyw43/src/
      15: <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/future/
      16: cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::__wifi_task_task::{{closure}}
            at src/
      17: <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/future/
      18: embassy::executor::raw::TaskStorage<F>::poll
      19: core::cell::Cell<T>::get
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/
      20: embassy::executor::raw::timer_queue::TimerQueue::update
            at /home/noah/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/5f43c1d/embassy/src/executor/raw/
      21: embassy::executor::raw::Executor::poll::{{closure}}
            at /home/noah/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/5f43c1d/embassy/src/executor/raw/
      22: embassy::executor::raw::run_queue::RunQueue::dequeue_all
            at /home/noah/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/5f43c1d/embassy/src/executor/raw/
      23: embassy::executor::raw::Executor::poll
            at /home/noah/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/5f43c1d/embassy/src/executor/raw/
      24: cortex_m::asm::wfe
            at /home/noah/.cargo/registry/src/
      25: embassy::executor::arch::Executor::run
            at /home/noah/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/5f43c1d/embassy/src/executor/arch/
      26: cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::__cortex_m_rt_main
            at src/
      27: main
            at src/
      28: Reset
      (HOST) ERROR the program panicked

    This seems like a size mismatch, but there's also the possibility I broke my Pi W while soldering the headers :slightly_smiling_face:

    opened by chiefnoah 8
  • Failing to connect (Pico W)

    Failing to connect (Pico W)

    Hey there. I've been trying to connect to a couple wifi routers I have, and most recently to my phone hotspot (Pixel 6, because I can put it right next to the Pico, which gives more consistent results). I haven't succeeded yet. A typical log is below.

    Sometimes it also freezes after "set country".

    I was able to run the scanning example successfully. With AP example I couldn't find or connect to the network with my laptop.

    Happy to take a patch and run it for the output, if it helps. This log is on current master (6ee45f5ec01208bdcb38f23bf46dcdac141ff6e7).

    0.001125 INFO Hello World!
    └─ src/bin/
    0.272577 INFO waiting for clock...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.272650 INFO clock ok
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.272874 INFO chip ID: 43439
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.275712 INFO loading fw
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.427551 INFO loading nvram
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.428379 INFO starting up core...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.570283 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00, 6f, 61, 64, 5f, 73, 74, 61, 74, 75, 73, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.570354 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00, 6f, 61, 64, 5f, 73, 74, 61, 74, 75, 73, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.570649 INFO Configuring misc stuff...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.570705 INFO set bus:txglom = [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.571510 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.571577 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.571892 INFO set apsta = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.572604 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 70, 73, 74, 61, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.572662 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 70, 73, 74, 61, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.572950 INFO get cur_etheraddr
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.573644 INFO IOCTL Response: [28, cd, c1, 0b, 30, 67, 68, 65, 72, 61, 64, 64, 72, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.573719 INFO IOCTL Response: [28, cd, c1, 0b, 30, 67, 68, 65, 72, 61, 64, 64, 72, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.573999 INFO mac addr: [28, cd, c1, 0b, 30, 67]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    0.574074 INFO set country = [58, 58, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 58, 58, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.888112 INFO IOCTL Response: [63, 6f, 75, 6e, 74, 72, 79, 00, 58, 58, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 58, 58, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.888194 INFO IOCTL Response: [63, 6f, 75, 6e, 74, 72, 79, 00, 58, 58, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 58, 58, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.889044 DEBUG LOGS: 000000.721 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_iq_est: IQ measurement timed out
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.889222 DEBUG LOGS: 000000.837 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_iq_est: IQ measurement timed out
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.889564 DEBUG LOGS: 000000.961 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 310 uS for ofdm txframd
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.889741 DEBUG LOGS: 000001.427 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 310 uS for ofdm txframe
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.889916 DEBUG LOGS: 000001.434 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 5010 uS for uxcrs
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.890126 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.989155 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.989196 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.989471 INFO set bus:txglom = [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.990216 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    1.990284 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.090597 INFO set ampdu_ba_wsize = [08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.091340 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.091417 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.191745 INFO set ampdu_mpdu = [04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.192490 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.192560 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.292884 INFO set bsscfg:event_msgs = [00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, f7, ff, ff, ee, bf, ff, 7f, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, fd, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.293687 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 65, 76, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 73, 67, 73, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, f7, ff, ff, ee, bf, ff, 7f, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, fd, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.293830 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 65, 76, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 73, 67, 73, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, f7, ff, ff, ee, bf, ff, 7f, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, fd, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.395387 INFO IOCTL Response: []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.395422 INFO IOCTL Response: []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.395464 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.396153 DEBUG LOGS: 000001.942 wl0: wl_open
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.396306 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.496288 INFO IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.496332 INFO IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.497222 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.497262 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.597557 INFO INIT DONE
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.597607 INFO set pm2_sleep_ret = [c8, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.598378 INFO IOCTL Response: [70, 6d, 32, 5f, 73, 6c, 65, 65, 70, 5f, 72, 65, 74, 00, c8, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.598456 INFO IOCTL Response: [70, 6d, 32, 5f, 73, 6c, 65, 65, 70, 5f, 72, 65, 74, 00, c8, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.598785 INFO set bcn_li_bcn = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.599501 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 62, 63, 6e, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.599571 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 62, 63, 6e, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.599858 INFO set bcn_li_dtim = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.600568 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 64, 74, 69, 6d, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.600640 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 64, 74, 69, 6d, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.600937 INFO set assoc_listen = [0a, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.601674 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 73, 73, 6f, 63, 5f, 6c, 69, 73, 74, 65, 6e, 00, 0a, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.601748 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 73, 73, 6f, 63, 5f, 6c, 69, 73, 74, 65, 6e, 00, 0a, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.602691 INFO IOCTL Response: [02, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.602734 INFO IOCTL Response: [02, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.603198 DEBUG Acquired IP configuration:
    └─ /Users/tyler/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/03d6363/embassy-net/src/
    2.603218 DEBUG    IP address:
    └─ /Users/tyler/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/03d6363/embassy-net/src/
    2.603331 DEBUG    Default gateway:
    └─ /Users/tyler/.cargo/git/checkouts/embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29/03d6363/embassy-net/src/
    2.603460 INFO set ampdu_ba_wsize = [08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.604410 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.604498 INFO IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.605532 INFO IOCTL Response: [04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.605575 INFO IOCTL Response: [04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.605913 INFO set bsscfg:sup_wpa = [00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.606662 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.606748 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.607092 INFO set bsscfg:sup_wpa2_eapver = [00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.607851 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 32, 5f, 65, 61, 70, 76, 65, 72, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.607960 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 32, 5f, 65, 61, 70, 76, 65, 72, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.608311 INFO set bsscfg:sup_wpa_tmo = [00, 00, 00, 00, c4, 09, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.609054 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 5f, 74, 6d, 6f, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, c4, 09, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.609149 INFO IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 5f, 74, 6d, 6f, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, c4, 09, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.710174 INFO IOCTL Response: [0c, 00, 01, 00, 73, 75, 6e, 6e, 79, 76, 61, 73, 65, 30, 36, 31, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.710303 INFO IOCTL Response: [0c, 00, 01, 00, 73, 75, 6e, 6e, 79, 76, 61, 73, 65, 30, 36, 31, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.711299 INFO IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.711341 INFO IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.712240 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.712281 INFO IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.713164 INFO IOCTL Response: [80, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.713204 INFO IOCTL Response: [80, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.714367 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    2.714461 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.858057 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC_REQ_IE: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 87, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 81, addr: [21, 88, 4f, 21, f6, 1b], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  [00, 0d, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 01, 08, 82, 84, 8b, 96, 24, 30, 48, 6c, 32, 04, 0c, 12, 18, 60, 21, 02, 05, 17, 24, 02, 01, 0e, 30, 14, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 04, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 04, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 02, 0c, 00, dd, 09, 00, 10, 18, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, dd, 07, 00, 50, f2, 02, 00, 01, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.858472 WARN unexpected ethernet type 0x887e, expected Broadcom ether type 0x886c
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.859427 DEBUG LOGS: 000005.809 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_iq_est: IQ measurement timed nut
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.859598 DEBUG LOGS: 000005.926 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_iq_est: IQ measurement timed out
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.859768 DEBUG LOGS: 000006.043 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_iq_est: IQ measurement tiled out
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.860285 DEBUG LOGS: 000006.380 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 5010 uS for txcrs
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.867720 DEBUG === EVENT AUTH: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 3, status: 6, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.868160 WARN JOIN failed with status=6
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.869083 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.869178 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    6.869379 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 7, status: 4, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.683786 DEBUG === EVENT AUTH: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 3, status: 5, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.683999 WARN JOIN failed with status=5
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.684083 DEBUG === EVENT SET_SSID: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 0, status: 1, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 13, addr: [6c, dd, a, 0, 10, 18], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  [54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.685138 DEBUG LOGS: 000009.211 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 310 uS for ofdm txframe
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.685312 DEBUG LOGS: 000009.219 wl0: wlc_phy_do_dummy_tx: Waited 5010 uS for txbrs
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.685471 DEBUG LOGS: 000009.222 wl0: JOIN: authentication failure, no ack
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.686151 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.698651 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    9.698745 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.460311 DEBUG === EVENT AUTH: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 3, status: 5, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.460512 WARN JOIN failed with status=5
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.460588 DEBUG === EVENT SET_SSID: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 0, status: 1, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 13, addr: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  [54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.461773 DEBUG LOGS: 000010.896 wl0: wlc_lcn20phy_rx_hq_est: IQ measurement timed out
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.462624 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.463904 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    11.463999 INFO IOCTL Response: [0d, 00, 00, 00, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.509920 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC_REQ_IE: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 87, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 81, addr: [0, 0, 18, 10, 0, 0], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  [00, 0d, 54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c, 01, 08, 82, 84, 8b, 96, 24, 30, 48, 6c, 32, 04, 0c, 12, 18, 60, 21, 02, 05, 17, 24, 02, 01, 0e, 30, 14, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 04, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 04, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 02, 0c, 00, dd, 09, 00, 10, 18, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, dd, 07, 00, 50, f2, 02, 00, 01, 00]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.510265 WARN len inv mismatch
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.512246 WARN IRQ DATA_UNAVAILABLE, clearing...
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.591615 DEBUG === EVENT TXFAIL: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 20, status: 2, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.591796 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 7, status: 5, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [a, 2a, db, 49, 15, c1], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  []
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    13.591972 DEBUG === EVENT SET_SSID: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 0, status: 1, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 13, addr: [0, 0, a, 2a, db, 49], ifname: [77, 6c, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0, }  [54, 79, 6c, 65, 72, 27, 73, 20, 50, 69, 78, 65, 6c]
    └─ /Users/tyler/code/cyw43/src/
    opened by tmandry 7
  • rework event handling to allow sending data to `Control`

    rework event handling to allow sending data to `Control`

    This expands the event handling previously used for the join ioctls.

    • Adds an enum for the event status field (from here)
    • Adds an event publishing can be enabled and disabled by Control
    • Adds Payload enum to carry event data. Currently empty. Will be used for wifi scanning.
    opened by kbleeke 6
  • Use PIO for SPI communication in Pico W example

    Use PIO for SPI communication in Pico W example

    This PR adds an SPI implementation using a Pio to the Pico W example.

    The pio program is based on the pico-sdk with minor changes.

    For the pio program itself, the pico sets the x and y registers before starting the execution. Then the program writes x+1 bits to the bus and reads y+1 bits from the bus. Due to autopush and -pull it only takes two cycles per bit. The dio pin is accessed by the in and out instructions. Clk is controlled by the side-set mechanism.

    The pio ist set to 16Mhz for now. The bus does not seem to respond with the pio set to 32Mhz. If I read the data sheet correctly, up to 50Mhz bus clock should be supported, so mabye there is additional settings for that somewhere.

    The first commits introduces a new trait SpiBusCyw43 to the cyw43 crate. The pio program wants to know the amount of bits to read and write from the start of the transfer. This allows the pio to run continuously for a single transfer without halting it when switching from writing to reading. So splitting the pio operations in separate read and write calls didn't seem possible to me. Creating a new trait for the bus that supports exactly the kind of communication we need seemed like the best option for now.

    I'm submitting this a draft for now. I'm sure there is some cleanup to do. I'm happy to take feedback on the approach as this is my first time working with embassy and the pico w.

    opened by kbleeke 5
  • Issue since commit

    Issue since commit

    There seems to be an issue with the current version of cyw43 that started to occure since the 0d8d8d3 commit. Since the commit, the examples do not longer work.

    opened by MarcoKonrad 4
  • Use IRQ instead of polling the status register

    Use IRQ instead of polling the status register

    (This PR now contains the final impl of IRQs)

    This is now the last part. It plugs the hole in the new event loop with IRQs.

    First, we add some more methods to new Bus trait to wait for events. Removing the HAL traits was a good idea here, I deleted a bunch of additional code at this point. The clear events method is unfortunate but the PIO requires that we reset its IRQ flags.

    Waiting for IRQs is relatively straight forward. After the write-read cycle, we wait for the IRQ pin (PIN_24, same as MISO/MOSI) to be high and then let the PIO interrupt the CPU. Of couse this requires that we make the necessary confinguration to enable F2 interrupts and cofigure interrupts to be high.

    In our event loop, after an interrupt, we check the interrupt register and status register and then handle the event. We check the status register in a loop, until there are no more events, then we wait for the next event.

    Additionally, we check the status register after doing ioctls or sending packets, in case any events happend while we were busy dealing with that.

    opened by kbleeke 4
  • Add AP mode

    Add AP mode

    This PR implements AP mode which makes a CYW43 device act as an access point.

    The following public methods are added for Control struct:

    • start_ap_open(ssid, channel): Makes the device act as an unencrypted AP with given SSID and wifi channel.
    • start_ap_wpa2(ssid, passphrase, channel): Makes the device act as an WPA2-secured AP with given SSID, passphrase and wifi channel.
    opened by tana 3
  • Fail to initialize HT (High Throughput) PLL after embassy update

    Fail to initialize HT (High Throughput) PLL after embassy update

    Thanks for the good work,

    I tried to update to latest git-version today, but for some reason I can not get any revision with the following commit included to work.

    commit c385bbf07dfcadb832d02e91385bcecc45c0ef58 (HEAD)
    Author: Dario Nieuwenhuis <[email protected]>
    Date:   Sun Oct 2 21:28:34 2022 +0200
        Update embassy, embedded-hal.

    For some for me still unknown reason backplane chip clock failes to enter HT mode. The startup get stuck on the following line in while self.read8(FUNC_BACKPLANE, REG_BACKPLANE_CHIP_CLOCK_CSR).await & 0x80 == 0 {}

    The commit before, c385bbf07dfcadb832d02e91385bcecc45c0ef58 works fine.

    Forgot to mention that all my tests where just executed with the provided example on Raspberry PICO W

    opened by mattiasgronlund 3
  • Use wrapping_sub in update_credit

    Use wrapping_sub in update_credit

    This commit uses wrapping_sub for subtraction in update_credit.

    The motivation for this is that currently the rpi-pico-w example panics (at least for me) with the following error:

    3.825277 INFO  init done
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /embassy/cyw43/src/ 3.825486 INFO  Downloading CLM...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ /embassy/cyw43/src/ 3.841328 WARN  TX stalled
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::run::{async_fn#0} @ /embassy/cyw43/src/ 3.845549 ERROR panicked at 'attempt to subtract with overflow', /embassy/cyw43/src/ └─ panic_probe::print_defmt::print @ .cargo/registry/src/ 
    stack backtrace:
       0: HardFaultTrampoline
          <exception entry>
       1: lib::inline::__udf
            at ./asm/
       2: __udf
            at ./asm/
       3: cortex_m::asm::udf
            at .cargo/registry/src/
       4: rust_begin_unwind
            at .cargo/registry/src/
       5: core::panicking::panic_fmt
            at rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/
       6: core::panicking::panic
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/
       7: cyw43::Runner<PWR,SPI>::update_credit
            at /embassy/cyw43/src/
       8: cyw43::Runner<PWR,SPI>::rx
            at /embassy/cyw43/src/
       9: cyw43::Runner<PWR,SPI>::run::{{closure}}
            at /embassy/cyw43/src/
      10: <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
            at /rustc/1c7b36d4db582cb47513a6c7176baaec1c3346ab/library/core/src/future/
      11: cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::__wifi_task_task::{{closure}}
            at src/
    opened by danbev 3
  • fix


    Hello, When you have time and since there are three examples:

    Running the example

    • cargo install probe-rs-cli
    • cd examples/rpi-pico-w Examples:
    • WIFI_NETWORK=MyWifiNetwork WIFI_PASSWORD=MyWifiPassword cargo run --release --bin tcp_server
    • WIFI_NETWORK=MyWifiNetwork WIFI_PASSWORD=MyWifiPassword cargo run --release --bin tcp_server_ap
    • cargo run --release --bin wifi_scan
    opened by papyDoctor 2
  • No route to host

    No route to host

    Hello, I'm trying to use this crate and it seems like the example doesn't work for me. My Pico W connects to wifi (i can see it in my router) but it doesn't accept any connections. I guess there are many things that can cause it so rn i'd like to confirm that there's nothing wrong in debug output.

    (HOST) INFO  flashing program (89 pages / 356.00 KiB)
    (HOST) INFO  success!
    0.001215 INFO  Hello World!
    └─ cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
    0.270990 INFO  waiting for ping...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    0.271329 INFO  ping ok
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    0.271954 INFO  waiting for clock...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    0.272088 INFO  clock ok
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    0.272477 INFO  chip ID: 43439
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    0.275786 INFO  loading fw
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.818659 INFO  loading nvram
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.824284 INFO  starting up core...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.846007 INFO  waiting for wifi init...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.930345 INFO  init done
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.930563 INFO  Downloading CLM...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.938002 WARN  TX stalled
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::run::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.940280 WARN  unexpected ethernet type 0x025c, expected Broadcom ether type 0x886c
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.942417 WARN  unexpected ethernet type 0x025c, expected Broadcom ether type 0x886c
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.950310 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6c, 6d, 6c, 6f, 61, 64, 00, 02, 10, 02, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 42, 4c, 4f, 42, 3c, 00, 00, 00, 2b, 25, e5, 32, 01, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 3c, 00, 00, 00, 50, 12, 00, 00, db, 81, 05, 17, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 8c, 12, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, a0, b0, e5, e2, 00, 00, 00, 00, 43, 4c, 4d, 20, 44, 41, 54, 41, 00, 00, 0c, 00, 02, 00, 39, 2e, 31, 30, 2e, 33, 39, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 31, 2e, 32, 39, 2e, 34, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 94, 00, 00, 00, 43, 6c, 6d, 49, 6d, 70, 6f, 72, 74, 3a, 20, 31, 2e, 33, 36, 2e, 33, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 42, 72, 6f, 61, 64, 63, 6f, 6d, 2d, 30, 2e, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 01, 01, 0a, 01, 0b, 01, 0c, 01, 0d, 01, 0e, 02, 02, 02, 0a, 02, 0b, 02, 0c, 03, 09, 0a, 0a, 0b, 0b, 0c, 0c, 0c, 0d, 0c, 0e, 0d, 0d, 0e, 0e, 51, 31, 00, 51, 32, 00, 00, 00, d0, 11, 00, 00, 2c, 04, 00, 00, 68, 00, 00, 00, 54, 01, 00, 00, 34, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 98, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, dd, 10, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 4c, 01, 00, 00, 48, 12, 00, 00, 20, 12, 00, 00, 7f, b2, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, fc, 11, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 7e, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 67, 01, 00, 00, 3b, 04, 00, 00, 01, 0e, 01, 0f, 45, 30, 00, 58, 41, 00, 58, 55, 00, 41, 45, 01, 41, 52, 01, 41, 54, 01, 41, 55, 02, 42, 45, 01, 42, 47, 01, 42, 4e, 01, 43, 41, 02, 43, 48, 01, 43, 59, 01, 43, 5a, 01, 44, 45, 03, 44, 4b, 01, 45, 45, 01, 45, 53, 01, 46, 49, 01, 46, 52, 01, 47, 42, 01, 47, 52, 01, 48, 52, 01, 48, 55, 01, 49, 44, 05, 49, 45, 01, 49, 53, 01, 49, 54, 01, 4a, 50, 03, 4b, 52, 04, 4b, 57, 01, 4c, 49, 01, 4c, 54, 01, 4c, 55, 01, 4c, 56, 01, 4d, 41, 01, 4d, 54, 01, 4d, 58, 01, 4e, 4c, 01, 4e, 4f, 01, 50, 4c, 01, 50, 54, 01, 50, 59, 01, 52, 4f, 01, 52, 55, 05, 53, 45, 01, 53, 49, 01, 53, 4b, 01, 54, 52, 07, 54, 57, 02, 55, 53, 1a, 41, 45, 01, 41, 52, 01, 41, 54, 01, 41, 55, 02, 42, 45, 01, 42, 47, 01, 42, 4e, 01, 43, 41, 02, 43, 48, 01, 43, 59, 01, 43, 5a, 01, 44, 45, 03, 44, 4b, 01, 45, 45, 01, 45, 53, 01, 46, 49, 01, 46, 52, 01, 47, 42, 01, 47, 52, 01, 48, 52, 01, 48, 55, 01, 49, 44, 05, 49, 45, 01, 49, 53, 01, 49, 54, 01, 4a, 50, 03, 4b, 52, 04, 4b, 57, 01, 4c, 49, 01, 4c, 54, 01, 4c, 55, 01, 4c, 56, 01, 4d, 41, 01, 4d, 54, 01, 4d, 58, 01, 4e, 4c, 01, 4e, 4f, 01, 50, 4c, 01, 50, 54, 01, 50, 59, 01, 52, 4f, 01, 52, 55, 05, 53, 45, 01, 53, 49, 01, 53, 4b, 01, 54, 57, 02, 55, 53, 19, 32, 30, 32, 31, 2d, 31, 31, 2d, 32, 39, 20, 32, 32, 3a, 34, 32, 3a, 33, 31, 00, 41, 55, 02, 4a, 50, 01, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 03, 4c, 01, 03, 4c, 02, 01, 42, 0c, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 07, 48, 00, 01, 3a, 00, 03, 44, 06, 03, 4a, 08, 01, 4a, 0a, 03, 44, 0b, 03, 42, 0c, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 02, 40, 02, 01, 38, 02, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 05, 48, 00, 01, 4c, 01, 03, 4c, 07, 01, 48, 0c, 01, 42, 0c, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 04, 3a, 00, 03, 44, 02, 01, 42, 07, 03, 3a, 0c, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 05, 5c, 00, 01, 56, 00, 03, 7e, 07, 00, 5c, 0c, 01, 56, 0c, 03, 01, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 02, 00, 05, 46, 00, 03, 50, 01, 01, 50, 07, 03, 4c, 0c, 01, 48, 0c, 03, 02, 04, ff, 01, 14, 04, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 00, 02, 00, 00, 01, 14, 04, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 01, 02, 00, ff, 01, 14, 04, 00, 01, 4c, 04, 00, 03, 00, 01, 01, 14, 05, 02, 05, 4c, 01, 03, 4c, 04, 01, 46, 0c, 03, 4c, 0e, 03, 36, 11, 01, 03, 00, 01, 01, 14, 05, 00, 06, 3c, 00, 03, 44, 02, 01, 40, 08, 03, 30, 0e, 01, 2c, 0e, 03, 40, 11, 01, 03, 00, 01, 01, 14, 05, 00, 03, 40, 03, 03, 40, 05, 01, 2e, 10, 03, 02, 00, 00, 01, 14, 04, 00, 03, 40, 02, 00, 30, 0e, 01, 2c, 0e, 03, 03, 00, 01, 01, 14, 05, 00, 06, 3e, 00, 03, 42, 04, 01, 42, 07, 03, 3e, 0c, 03, 42, 0e, 03, 2a, 11, 01, 03, 00, ff, 01, 14, 05, 02, 02, 54]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    1.968030 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6c, 6d, 6c, 6f, 61, 64, 00, 00, 10, 02, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 04, 03, 4e, 05, 01, 01, 00, ff, 01, 14, 02, 00, 02, 45, 02, 01, 4f, 02, 03, 03, 00, ff, 01, 1e, 05, 00, 01, 78, 05, 00, 00, 00, ff, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, ff, 01, 17, 04, 02, 01, 5c, 04, 00, 02, 00, ff, 01, 24, 04, 02, 01, 64, 04, 00, 02, 04, 00, 01, 14, 04, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 00, 01, 00, ff, 01, 14, 02, 02, 01, 4c, 02, 00, 02, 00, ff, 01, 14, 04, 04, 03, 38, 00, 03, 40, 09, 03, 38, 10, 03, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 02, 01, 04, 01, 05, 23, 61, 00, 11, ff, 13, ff, cc, 00, 23, 6e, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 23, 72, 00, 11, ff, 13, ff, cc, 00, 30, 41, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 30, 42, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 10, 30, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 41, 43, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 41, 44, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 41, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 45, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 41, 47, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 49, 00, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 41, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 00, 41, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 4f, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 41, 51, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 41, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 41, 52, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 41, 53, 00, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 41, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 54, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 41, 55, 00, 14, ff, 18, ff, cc, 00, 41, 55, 02, 14, ff, 17, ff, cc, 00, 41, 57, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 41, 58, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 41, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 41, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 42, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 42, 44, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 42, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 45, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 42, 47, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 47, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 48, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 42, 49, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 42, 4a, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 42, 4c, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 42, 4d, 00, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 42, 4e, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 42, 4e, 01, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 00, 42, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 20, 42, 51, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 42, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 42, 53, 00, 14, ff, 17, ff, cc, 00, 42, 54, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 30, 42, 56, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 42, 57, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 30, 42, 59, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 42, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 43, 41, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 43, 41, 02, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 43, 43, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 43, 44, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 43, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 43, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 43, 48, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 48, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 49, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 43, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 43, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 43, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 43, 4e, 00, 17, ff, 1a, ff, cc, 00, 43, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 50, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 43, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 55, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 43, 56, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 43, 57, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 43, 58, 00, 14, ff, 17, ff, cc, 10, 43, 59, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 59, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 43, 5a, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 44, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 44, 45, 03, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 44, 4a, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 44, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 44, 4b, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 44, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 44, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 44, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 30, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 43, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 45, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 47, 00, 07, ff, 15, ff, cc, 00, 45, 48, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 45, 52, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 45, 53, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 53, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 45, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 46, 49, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 46, 49, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 46, 4a, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 46, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 46, 4d, 00, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 46, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 46, 52, 00, 07, ff]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.052788 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6c, 6d, 6c, 6f, 61, 64, 00, 00, 10, 02, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 06, ff, cc, 20, 46, 52, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 47, 41, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 42, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 47, 42, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 47, 44, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 47, 45, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 47, 46, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 47, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 48, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 47, 49, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 4c, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 47, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 47, 50, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 47, 51, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 47, 52, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 47, 53, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 47, 54, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 10, 47, 55, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 47, 57, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 47, 59, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 48, 4b, 00, 14, ff, 18, ff, cc, 00, 48, 4d, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 48, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 00, 48, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 48, 52, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 48, 54, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 00, 48, 55, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 48, 55, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 44, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 49, 44, 05, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 49, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 45, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 49, 4e, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 20, 49, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 49, 51, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 49, 52, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 49, 53, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 53, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 49, 54, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4a, 30, 00, 07, ff, 10, ff, cc, 00, 4a, 31, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 32, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 33, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 34, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 35, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 36, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 37, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 38, 00, 0f, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 4a, 39, 00, 07, ff, 10, ff, cc, 00, 4a, 45, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4a, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4a, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4a, 50, 00, 0f, ff, 11, ff, cc, 00, 4a, 50, 01, 0f, ff, 10, ff, cc, 00, 4a, 50, 03, 0f, ff, 10, ff, cc, 00, 4a, 50, 58, 10, ff, 12, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 41, 00, 16, ff, 19, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 43, 00, 16, ff, 19, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 44, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4b, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4b, 48, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 49, 00, 14, ff, 17, ff, cc, 10, 4b, 4b, 00, 16, ff, 19, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4b, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 4b, 50, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 4b, 52, 00, 12, ff, 14, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 52, 04, 17, ff, 1a, ff, cc, 10, 4b, 57, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4b, 57, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4b, 58, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 59, 00, 08, ff, 08, ff, cc, 00, 4b, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 41, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 42, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 4c, 49, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 49, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 4b, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 52, 00, 07, ff, 15, ff, cc, 10, 4c, 53, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4c, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 54, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 55, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 55, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 56, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 56, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4c, 59, 00, 07, ff, 0f, ff, cc, 10, 4d, 41, 00, 07, ff, 15, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 41, 01, 07, ff, 15, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 43, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 44, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 4d, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 4d, 48, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 4d, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4d, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4d, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 50, 00, 06, ff, 05, ff, cc, 10, 4d, 51, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 53, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 4d, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 54, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 55, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.189883 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6c, 6d, 6c, 6f, 61, 64, 00, 00, 10, 02, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 56, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 57, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4d, 58, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 58, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 59, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 00, 4d, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 4e, 41, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 4e, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4e, 45, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4e, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 00, 4e, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 4e, 49, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4e, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4e, 4c, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4e, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4e, 4f, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4e, 50, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 00, 4e, 52, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 4e, 55, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 4e, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 4f, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 41, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 20, 50, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 50, 47, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 50, 48, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 20, 50, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 4c, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 50, 4e, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 50, 52, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 50, 53, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 50, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 54, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 50, 57, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 50, 59, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 50, 59, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 51, 31, 00, 02, ff, 02, ff, cc, 00, 51, 32, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 51, 41, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 52, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 52, 4f, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 52, 4f, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 52, 53, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 52, 55, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 52, 55, 05, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 00, 52, 57, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 53, 41, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 42, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 53, 44, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 53, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 45, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 47, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 20, 53, 48, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 49, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 49, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 4a, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 4b, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 4b, 01, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 53, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 53, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 53, 4f, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 52, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 53, 54, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 53, 56, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 20, 53, 58, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 59, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 53, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 41, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 54, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 44, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 47, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 48, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 54, 4a, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 4b, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 54, 4c, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 54, 4d, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 54, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 54, 4f, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 54, 52, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 54, 52, 07, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 54, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 54, 56, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 54, 57, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 54, 57, 02, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 54, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 55, 41, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 55, 47, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 55, 4d, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 55, 53, 00, 05, ff, 04, ff, cc, 00, 55, 53, 19, 0c, ff, 0a, ff, cc, 00, 55, 53, 1a, 04, ff, 01, ff, cc, 00, 55, 59, 00, 14, ff, 17, ff, cc, 00, 55, 5a, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 10, 56, 41, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 56, 43, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 56, 45, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 56, 47, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 56, 49, 00, 00, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 56, 4e, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 56, 55, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 57, 46, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 57, 53, 00, 07, ff, 0c, ff, cc, 10, 58, 30, 00, 03, ff, 00, ff, cc, 00, 58, 31, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 58, 32, 00, 15, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 58, 33, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 58, 41, 00, 07, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 58, 42, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 58]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.277764 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6c, 6d, 6c, 6f, 61, 64, 00, 04, 10, 02, 00, 90, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 52, 00, 01, ff, 03, ff, cc, 00, 58, 53, 00, 0d, ff, 0b, ff, cc, 20, 58, 54, 00, 0c, ff, 0a, ff, cc, 20, 58, 55, 00, 09, ff, 07, ff, cc, 20, 58, 56, 00, 0b, ff, 09, ff, cc, 20, 58, 57, 00, 16, ff, 19, ff, cc, 20, 58, 58, 00, 0a, ff, ff, ff, fc, 20, 58, 59, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 58, 5a, 00, 0e, ff, ff, ff, fc, 20, 59, 31, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 32, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 33, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 34, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 35, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 36, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 37, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 59, 45, 00, 07, ff, 0d, ff, cc, 10, 59, 54, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 00, 59, 59, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 00, 5a, 31, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 32, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 33, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 34, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 35, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 36, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 37, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 38, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 39, 00, 12, ff, ff, ff, fc, 10, 5a, 41, 00, 07, ff, 06, ff, cc, 20, 5a, 4d, 00, 13, ff, 16, ff, cc, 00, 5a, 57, 00, 07, ff, 0e, ff, cc, 30, 01, 0e, 01, 00, 05, 4c, 00, 02, 4c, 06, 02, 4c, 0a, 02, 4c, 0b, 02, 42, 0c, 02, 00, 03, 3a, 00, 02, 42, 07, 02, 3a, 0c, 02, 00, 01, 38, 02, 02, 00, 05, 3a, 00, 02, 44, 06, 02, 4a, 0a, 02, 44, 0b, 02, 42, 0c, 02, 00, 03, 56, 00, 02, 7e, 07, 02, 56, 0c, 02, 00, 05, 46, 00, 02, 50, 06, 02, 50, 0a, 02, 50, 0b, 02, 48, 0c, 02, 00, 01, 40, 04, 02, 00, 01, 4c, 04, 02, 00, 01, 40, 04, 02, 00, 04, 3c, 00, 02, 40, 08, 02, 2c, 0d, 02, 2c, 10, 02, 00, 02, 40, 03, 02, 2e, 10, 02, 00, 02, 40, 02, 02, 2c, 0e, 02, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 02, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 02, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 02, 02, 01, 4c, 04, 02, 00, 01, 40, 04, 02, 02, 01, 54, 04, 02, 00, 01, 4f, 02, 02, 00, 02, 78, 04, 02, 78, 11, 02, 00, 00, 00, 01, 40, 04, 02, 00, 01, 50, 04, 02, 00, 01, 58, 04, 02, 02, 01, 64, 04, 02, 00, 01, 40, 02, 02, 00, 03, 38, 00, 02, 40, 09, 02, 38, 10, 02, 00, 00, 00, 58, 41, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 92, 02, 00, 00, 58, 54, 00, 00, 2f, 00, 00, 00, f1, 01, 00, 00, 58, 56, 00, 00, 30, 00, 00, 00, 61, 01, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, da, 10, 00, 00, 44, 45, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 00, 58, 01, 00, 00, 4a, 50, 00, 00, 0a, 00, 00, 00, 28, 12, 00, 00, 55, 53, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 8c, 00, 00, 00, 0c, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 04, 00, 01, 02, 03, 08, 0c, 0d, 0e, 0f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 08, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 03, 00, 00, 00, ac, 11, 00, 00, 4a, 30, 00, 4a, 31, 00, 4a, 32, 00, 4a, 33, 00, 4a, 34, 00, 4a, 35, 00, 4a, 36, 00, 4a, 37, 00, 4a, 38, 00, 4a, 39, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 00, d8, 11, 00, 00, af, a9, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.279370 INFO  get clmload_status
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::get_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.282309 INFO  IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00, 6f, 61, 64, 5f, 73, 74, 61, 74, 75, 73, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.282430 INFO  Configuring misc stuff...
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.282498 INFO  set bus:txglom = [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.285185 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.285366 INFO  set apsta = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.288020 INFO  IOCTL Response: [61, 70, 73, 74, 61, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.288113 INFO  get cur_etheraddr
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::get_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.291002 INFO  IOCTL Response: [28, cd, c1, 01, 4f, 2c, 68, 65, 72, 61, 64, 64, 72, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.291104 INFO  mac addr: [28, cd, c1, 01, 4f, 2c]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.291186 INFO  set country = [58, 58, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 58, 58, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.321892 INFO  IOCTL Response: [63, 6f, 75, 6e, 74, 72, 79, 00, 58, 58, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 58, 58, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.424464 INFO  IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.424547 INFO  set bus:txglom = [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.427093 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 75, 73, 3a, 74, 78, 67, 6c, 6f, 6d, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.527276 INFO  set ampdu_ba_wsize = [08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.529911 INFO  IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.630161 INFO  set ampdu_mpdu = [04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.632748 INFO  IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.733001 INFO  set bsscfg:event_msgs = [00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ee, bf, ff, 7f, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, fd, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.735873 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 65, 76, 65, 6e, 74, 5f, 6d, 73, 67, 73, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ee, bf, ff, 7f, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, fd, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.838868 INFO  IOCTL Response: []
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.939062 INFO  set pm2_sleep_ret = [c8, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.941924 INFO  IOCTL Response: [70, 6d, 32, 5f, 73, 6c, 65, 65, 70, 5f, 72, 65, 74, 00, c8, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.942031 INFO  set bcn_li_bcn = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.944888 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 62, 63, 6e, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.944987 INFO  set bcn_li_dtim = [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.947799 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 63, 6e, 5f, 6c, 69, 5f, 64, 74, 69, 6d, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.947899 INFO  set assoc_listen = [0a, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.950759 INFO  IOCTL Response: [61, 73, 73, 6f, 63, 5f, 6c, 69, 73, 74, 65, 6e, 00, 0a, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.953449 INFO  IOCTL Response: [02, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.955941 INFO  IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    2.958351 INFO  IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.058470 INFO  INIT DONE
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::init::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.058566 INFO  set ampdu_ba_wsize = [08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.061211 INFO  IOCTL Response: [61, 6d, 70, 64, 75, 5f, 62, 61, 5f, 77, 73, 69, 7a, 65, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.063971 INFO  IOCTL Response: [04, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.064151 INFO  set bsscfg:sup_wpa = [00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.067033 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.067155 INFO  set bsscfg:sup_wpa2_eapver = [00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.070036 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 32, 5f, 65, 61, 70, 76, 65, 72, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.070252 INFO  set bsscfg:sup_wpa_tmo = [00, 00, 00, 00, c4, 09, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::set_iovar::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.073082 INFO  IOCTL Response: [62, 73, 73, 63, 66, 67, 3a, 73, 75, 70, 5f, 77, 70, 61, 5f, 74, 6d, 6f, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, c4, 09, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.176067 INFO  IOCTL Response: [08, 00, 01, 00, 51, 77, 65, 72, 46, 64, 73, 61, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.178564 INFO  IOCTL Response: [01, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.180978 INFO  IOCTL Response: [00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.183612 INFO  IOCTL Response: [80, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.186750 INFO  IOCTL Response: [0b, 00, 00, 00, 69, 6e, 74, 65, 72, 6e, 65, 74, 20, 78, 44, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.186849 INFO  JOINED
    └─ cyw43::{impl#2}::join_wpa2::{async_fn#0} @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    3.187809 INFO  Listening on TCP:1234...
    └─ cyw43_example_rpi_pico_w::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0}::{closure#1} @ src\
    3.188378 DEBUG DHCP send DISCOVER to Repr { message_type: Discover, transaction_id: 1346337802, client_hardware_address: Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44]), client_ip:, your_ip:, server_ip:, router: None, subnet_mask: None, relay_agent_ip:, broadcast: false, requested_ip: None, client_identifier: Some(Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44])), server_identifier: None, parameter_request_list: Some([1, 3, 6]), dns_servers: None, max_size: Some(1432), lease_duration: None }
    └─ smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{impl#0}::dispatch @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\smoltcp-d6a83fd2b0891566\ed0cf16\src\
    3.189871 INFO  link_up = true
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::poll @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\
    3.189956 DEBUG Lost IP configuration
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::unapply_config @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\
    6.179405 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC_REQ_IE: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 87, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 79, addr: [137, 48, 54, 205, 46, 105], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } [89, 30, 36, cd, 2e, 69, 77, 6c, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 0b, 69, 6e, 74, 65, 72, 6e, 65, 74, 20, 78, 44, 01, 08, 82, 84, 8b, 96, 24, 30, 48, 6c, 32, 04, 0c, 12, 18, 60, 21, 02, 05, 17, 24, 02, 01, 0e, 30, 14, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 02, 01, 00, 00, 0f, ac, 04, 01, 00, 00, 0f]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.181916 DEBUG === EVENT AUTH: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 3, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [244, 229, 242, 84, 233, 172], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } []
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.185217 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC_RESP_IE: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 88, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 125, addr: [139, 12, 18, 150, 24, 36], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } [8b, 0c, 12, 96, 18, 24, 77, 6c, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 08, 82, 84, 8b, 0c, 12, 96, 18, 24, 32, 04, 30, 48, 60, 6c, 46, 05, 73, d0, 00, 00, 0c, 7f, 08, 00, 00, 0f, 02, 00, 00, 00, 40, dd, 18, 00, 50, f2, 02, 01, 01, 00, 00, 03, a4, 00, 00, 27, a4, 00, 00, 42, 43, 5e, 00, 62, 32, 2f, 00, dd, 0b, 8c, fd, f0, 00, 00, 01, 01, 00, 00, 01, 00, dd, 18, 00, 50, f2, 04, 10, 4a, 00, 01, 10, 10, 3b, 00, 01, 03, 10, 49, 00, 06, 00, 37, 2a, 00, 01, 20, dd, 19, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.187712 DEBUG === EVENT ASSOC: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 7, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 131, addr: [244, 229, 242, 84, 233, 172], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } [f4, e5, f2, 54, e9, ac, 77, 6c, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 31, 10, 00, 00, 04, c0, 01, 08, 82, 84, 8b, 0c, 12, 96, 18, 24, 32, 04, 30, 48, 60, 6c, 46, 05, 73, d0, 00, 00, 0c, 7f, 08, 00, 00, 0f, 02, 00, 00, 00, 40, dd, 18, 00, 50, f2, 02, 01, 01, 00, 00, 03, a4, 00, 00, 27, a4, 00, 00, 42, 43, 5e, 00, 62, 32, 2f, 00, dd, 0b, 8c, fd, f0, 00, 00, 01, 01, 00, 00, 01, 00, dd, 18, 00, 50, f2, 04, 10, 4a, 00, 01, 10, 10, 3b, 00, 01, 03, 10, 49, 00, 06, 00, 37, 2a, 00, 01, 20, dd, 19, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.190665 DEBUG === EVENT LINK: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 1, event_type: 16, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 26, addr: [244, 229, 242, 84, 233, 172], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } [f4, e5, f2, 54, e9, ac, 77, 6c, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 30, 18]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.234010 DEBUG === EVENT PSK_SUP: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 46, status: 6, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } []
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.267213 DEBUG === EVENT JOIN: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 1, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 0, addr: [244, 229, 242, 84, 233, 172], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } []
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    6.269442 DEBUG === EVENT SET_SSID: EventMessage { version: 2, flags: 0, event_type: 0, status: 0, reason: 0, auth_type: 0, datalen: 11, addr: [244, 229, 242, 84, 233, 172], ifname: [119, 108, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ifidx: 0, bsscfgidx: 0 } [f4, e5, f2, 54, e9, ac, 77, 6c, 30, 00, 00]
    └─ cyw43::{impl#4}::rx @ C:\Users\nxyt7\Documents\embedded_code\cyw43\src\
    13.188514 DEBUG DHCP send DISCOVER to Repr { message_type: Discover, transaction_id: 1622728443, client_hardware_address: Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44]), client_ip:, your_ip:, server_ip:, router: None, subnet_mask: None, relay_agent_ip:, broadcast: false, requested_ip: None, client_identifier: Some(Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44])), server_identifier: None, parameter_request_list: Some([1, 3, 6]), dns_servers: None, max_size: Some(1432), lease_duration: None }
    └─ smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{impl#0}::dispatch @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\smoltcp-d6a83fd2b0891566\ed0cf16\src\
    15.313989 DEBUG DHCP recv Offer from Repr { message_type: Offer, transaction_id: 1622728443, client_hardware_address: Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44]), client_ip:, your_ip:, server_ip:, router: Some(, subnet_mask: Some(, relay_agent_ip:, broadcast: false, requested_ip: None, client_identifier: None, server_identifier: Some(, parameter_request_list: None, dns_servers: Some([Some(, None, None]), max_size: None, lease_duration: Some(60) }
    └─ smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{impl#0}::process @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\smoltcp-d6a83fd2b0891566\ed0cf16\src\
    15.314680 DEBUG DHCP send request to Repr { message_type: Request, transaction_id: 1939611047, client_hardware_address: Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44]), client_ip:, your_ip:, server_ip:, router: None, subnet_mask: None, relay_agent_ip:, broadcast: false, requested_ip: Some(, client_identifier: Some(Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44])), server_identifier: Some(, parameter_request_list: Some([1, 3, 6]), dns_servers: None, max_size: Some(1432), lease_duration: None }
    └─ smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{impl#0}::dispatch @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\smoltcp-d6a83fd2b0891566\ed0cf16\src\
    15.413712 DEBUG DHCP recv Ack from Repr { message_type: Ack, transaction_id: 1939611047, client_hardware_address: Address([40, 205, 193, 1, 79, 44]), client_ip:, your_ip:, server_ip:, router: Some(, subnet_mask: Some(, relay_agent_ip:, broadcast: false, requested_ip: None, client_identifier: None, server_identifier: Some(, parameter_request_list: None, dns_servers: Some([Some(, None, None]), max_size: None, lease_duration: Some(86400) }
    └─ smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{impl#0}::process @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\smoltcp-d6a83fd2b0891566\ed0cf16\src\
    15.414649 DEBUG Acquired IP configuration:
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::apply_config @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\
    15.414675 DEBUG    IP address:
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::apply_config @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\
    15.414834 DEBUG    Default gateway:
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::apply_config @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\
    15.414976 DEBUG    DNS server 0:
    └─ embassy_net::stack::{impl#4}::apply_config @ C:\Users\nxyt7\.cargo\git\checkouts\embassy-9312dcb0ed774b29\645fb66\embassy-net\src\

    After that device hangs (probably it keeps awaiting connections that do not come for whatever reason).

    nxyt@nxyt-windows:~$ nc 1234 -v
    nc: connect to port 1234 (tcp) failed: No route to host

    Is there something obviously wrong here?

    opened by nxy7 2
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