Poorguelike (temporary name, accepting ideas)

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Games poorguelike

poorguelike (temporary name, accepting ideas)

game gif

This is my first (serious) attempt at both:

  • Making a game
  • Using Rust

I'm trying to use the least amount of dependencies possible, so for now the only lib I'm depending on is raylib via raylib-rs.

For art is using this great Kenney tileset (I'm not an artist, but I'll probably expand it further if I need more stuff): https://www.kenney.nl/assets/bit-pack


Make sure you've got rust stuff installed, CMake (on OSX: brew install cmake) and then:

git clone https://github.com/adoroburrito/poorguelike
cd poorguelike
cargo run

Tested on OSX, but should work fine on Linux. I'm not sure if Raylib works on Windows, it probably does but I haven't tested.


Pressing any button will trigger a game state update (later I'll make it so that only gameplay actions do that, and not HUD or other stuff, I hate dying when I'm messing around in some obscure menu in a game)

Movement is bound to H, J, K and L (for now)


I get bored out of my mind by practicing leetcode/learning algorithm/data structure implementations and advanced theory, so I figured why not try making something a little bit more difficult by applying those concepts to something more tangible that I would actually enjoy coding? So here we are.

I didn't really want to use a big engine or anything since that would hide the complicated things in magic abstractions (although one could argue raylib hides the "drawing pixels/textures to a framebuffer" part, but I'm fine with that part being hidden - at the time I'm writing this it felt very hard to learn the intricacies of drawing pixels to the screen, so I just chose to use something to make that part easier) and I figured, since I want it to be as hard as possible (I will eventualy need to learn how to use those things I need to learn) let's try to do it as "vanilla" as possible.

Also I've been putting off learning Rust for a while, so why not tackle that alongside learning how to make a game? :^)

I chose to do a roguelike because 3d feels very hard to grasp right now, so I'll use this project as a stepping stone to learn 3d game building next!


I really like the following ideas of roguelikes:

  • A new game (almost) never looks like the previous one
  • Permadeath
  • Complex systems of:
    • Combat
    • Allies
    • Items
    • There are a lot of complex systems on cool roguelikes!
  • Simple graphics (I chose to use tiles here because ascii although charming (for me) is not very approachable if I want to show this to my non-programmer friends that might not have played roguelikes before


  • Make the game basics work
    • Input
      • Get user input
      • Segregate user input from game actions/actors
      • Trigger state changes/game loop on user action
    • Graphics
      • Draw grid
      • Render text symbols in grid
      • Implement simple movement and collision
      • Figure out how to render tiles
      • Add mouse interaction (for future inspection of tiles)
      • Implement fog of war
    • Map generation
    • Spawns
    • Combat
    • Equipment/Items
  • Learn about advanced architecture/algorithms
    • Pathfinding
    • ECS
    • Figure out how to make rendering efficient (right now I'm using brute force tactics in almost everything)


I'm accepting ideas for the game! If you enjoy roguelikes like I do, feel free to open an issue on this repo with a suggestion for the game. If you want to help me make my code less bad, also feel free to open a PR! I'll accept anything that has a good description of what is being refactored and why (if you also teach me something in the process, I'll be forever grateful <3), just make sure it doesn't make the game less fun, harder to manage (code-wise) or it's not related at all.

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