A simple to use and efficient Web Automation Tool.



A simple to use and efficient Web Automation Tool.


teemo allows you to do some web automation action(such as click and so on) and crawl some information from web. You can define your steps as follows:

  url: 'http://localhost:9515'
  capabilities: |
      "browserName": "chrome",
      "goog:chromeOptions": {
        "args": ["--headless", "--window-size=1920,1080"]
- action: Goto
  url: https://google.com
- action: Click
  locator: {strategy: XPath, expr: '//*[@id="L2AGLb"]'}
  allowSkip: true
- action: Wait
  timeout: 3
- action: SendKeys
  value: [ 'ultraji', 'Key::Enter']
  locator: { strategy: XPath, expr: '//*[@id="APjFqb"]' }
- action: Wait
  timeout: 3
- action: GetElemText
  locator: { strategy: XPath, expr: '//*[@id="rso"]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div/div/span/a/div/div/div/cite' }
resourceName: first_item
content: "This is first search result item of ultraji. It's ${first_item}. "

then it will run automatically. And finally it will return as follows:

This is first item of searching ultraji. It's https://github.com › ultraji. 


teemo uses webdriver under the hood. So please make sure that webdriver has been installed. (For example, if you are using chrome, you can download the same version chrome-webdriver as your browser.)

You can use the following command:

chromedriver &
teemo -c teemo.yaml

more info

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