A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust.

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Command-line budlang

Bud (budlang)

A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust.

WARNING: This crate is not anywhere near being ready to publish.

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Why Bud?


This project forbids unsafe code (#![forbid(unsafe_code)]), and the budlang crate has no dependencies.

Safe to run untrusted code

The virtual machine invokes Environment::step() before each instruction is exected. The environment can return ExecutionBehavior::Pause to pause execution, and the state of the virtual machine will be saved such that it can be resumed again.

Work In Progress: Bud will have various configuration options including maximum stack size, maximum memory used, and more.

Work In Progress: Bud should never panic. This crate is in early development, so many instances of todo!() and unwrap() abound. These will all be replaced with descriptive errors instead of panics.

Bud will only support these primitive types: integers, real numbers (floating point), strings, lists, and maps. Bud will be able to be extended to support additional features via Rust, placing the developer embedding Bud in full control of what scripts can do.


Bud is a compiled language powered by its own virtual machine. Currently, Bud has no optimizer, but the virtual machine code generated by the compiler closely mirrors the syntax of the language. For example, the repository includes three examples of a naive Fibonacci number function implementation. The Bud version looks like this:

function fibonacci(n)
    if n <= 2
        this(n - 1) + this(n - 2)

Another example shows an identical implementation using hand-written virtual machine instructions. Despite not having an optimizer, the compiled fibonacci() function's code is nearly identical, having one extra (unreachable) instruction:

# hand-written # compiled
0 lte @0 2 jump 2 0 lte @0 2 jump 3
1 return 1 1 return 1
2 jump 8
2 sub @0 1 stack 3 sub @0 1 stack
3 recurse-call 1 $0 4 recurse-call 1 $0
4 sub @0 2 stack 5 sub @0 2 stack
5 recurse-call 1 $1 6 recurse-call 1 $1
6 add $0 $1 $$ 7 add $0 $1 $$

Why not Bud?

It probably doesn't do what you need (yet):

  • Don't panic in vm
  • Don't panic in compiler
  • Don't panic in parser
  • Support parenthesized expressions as terms
  • Add variables
  • Add loops
  • Add Real (Float) type
  • Add String type
  • Add List type
  • Add Map type
  • Ability to write Rust functions
  • Implement a REPL
  • Consider static variables for persistent module state.

Bud is compiled to a virtual machine written using only memory-safe abstractions in Rust. This yields quite good performance for a dynamically typed language, but will not be the fastest language.

Goals for Bud

Aside from the goals outlined above, the use cases it's being designed for are:

  • A BonsaiDb REPL
  • Multi-player server-side scripting where user-submitted scripts are allowed.

Open-source Licenses

This project, like all projects from Khonsu Labs, are open-source. This repository is available under the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0.

To learn more about contributing, please see CONTRIBUTING.md.

  • Add truthy operator

    Add truthy operator

    This might also be worth having as a dedicated instruction in the virtual machine. It can be implemented using an If instruction.

    This operator would invoke Value::is_truthy() on the expression.

    My current thought is a unary suffix operator:

    <expr> ?

    enhancement budlang 
    opened by ecton 1
  • Allow custom intrinsics

    Allow custom intrinsics

    Currently, the CallInstrinsic instruction requires all the intrinsics to be known by the virtual machine. This is kind of weird, though, because the VM doesn't actually care about dynamic types.

    The virtual machine should delegate the intrinsic instructions to the Environment, and Bud should be the owner of the current Intrinsic enum.

    budlang budvm 
    opened by ecton 0
  • Split logical/bitwise not

    Split logical/bitwise not

    As I was a very basic reference for budasm, I once again had a slight distaste for the not instruction's implementation. Not still is implemented how I originally implemented the other bitwise operations: operate differently based on the type provided.

    The reality is that bitwise and logical nots are completely different. ~1 and not 1 should yield values that have different truthiness, but most people think of 1 and true as being synonymous.

    We should add a new operator, like tilde, in Bud to handle the bitwise specific operation, and not can be relegated to boolean operations only.

    budlang budvm 
    opened by ecton 0
  • Change bitwise operators to coerce operands to integers

    Change bitwise operators to coerce operands to integers

    • Blocked by #9

    Currently if a non-integer Value is encountered, the bitwise operators degrade to boolean operators (without short circuiting). Because these are dedicated operators, we should instead try converting the operands to integers and then performing the bitwise operation. This is more likely to catch programmatic errors than the other behavior.

    opened by ecton 0
  • Create assembly language for IR

    Create assembly language for IR

    With the VM being standalone, it would be nice to have the IR code be parseable. It's less important for the VM instructions to be able to be parsed directly from such a language, but given that the instructions are so similar, it might be possible to use the same AST to parse both types of instructions.

    opened by ecton 0
  • Add closure support to the virtual machine

    Add closure support to the virtual machine

    As per Discord, the virtual machine lacks some functionality that is needed to support closures. Specifically, there is no way to jump to an instruction and have another instruction jump back to the location jumped from. All instruction offsets are hard-coded and can't come from a variable.

    In thinking about how I would want to design this, I want to design closure support with these constraints in mind:

    • Pausing execution inside of a closure needs to be resumeable.
    • Variable access needs to be protected: a closure should be able to access its own variables, but not be able to access other closure's variables. Closures should be able to access local variables from the function that is invoking the closure.

    With these ideas in mind, I am thinking it would be great to give closures their own type of stack frame -- change StackFrame to an enum, and have Function and Closure variants. ValueOrSource would need a new option: ClosureVariable. When resolving a ClosureVariable, the stack can be checked to ensure a closure is executing and that the index is within the allocated region of the closure.

    To invoke a closure, a new instruction is needed: CallClosure which takes an instruction offset and number of arguments on the stack.

    If needed, the Return behavior can be updated based on whether execution is returning from a closure or from a function.

    These are all notes from brainstorming about this idea -- the actual implementation may need to be different than this for reasons that won't be discovered until implementation begins.

    enhancement budvm 
    opened by ecton 5
  • Add for each loops

    Add for each loops

    The only hangup on implementing this is making it work with Map types. Ideally a for each loop over a map would yield a key and value, but we don't have a clean way for a function to return multiple values.

    Early on in the design, the virtual machine allowed a function to return more than one value and for the returning function to receive more than one return value. It might be worth re-exploring that.

    opened by ecton 0
  • Support namespaces/modules

    Support namespaces/modules

    The virtual machine needs to be able to have an environment of nested namespaces/modules, allowing for functionality to be organized better.

    The language will need support for finding named items within namespace.

    enhancement budlang budvm 
    opened by ecton 2
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