📝 A mininal TODO tracker

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Virtualization Emily


Brief 📖

A simple TODOs tracker that find unreported todos and submit them as an issue on the repo

Challenges 🐢

  • Find TODOs via multiple archives and directorys
  • Report them to github without repetition

Goals 🏆

[ x ] User can see TODOs without reporting them to github
[ x ] Script create a issue with the file name and TODOs description
[ x ] Issues doesn't repeat
[ x ] Work from

How it works? 💼

The app receive the directory path and start searching for TODOs index through the files, them if the --push is activated it get all issues on the repo and report the unrepetead ones on github

How to install 🚀

Have sure to have cargo on your terminal and run

$ cargo install Emily

How to use 👷


The todo have 2 main things to work:

  • the # sign
  • a new line under the TODO
1 console.log("Hello Reality");
2 // #TODO Use World instead of Reality

The command line

The app counts with the following flags:

  • --dir (The dir path) [Required]
  • --name (Your github name) [Only required if you will report the TODOs]
  • --repo (The repository that the TODOs will be reported [Only required if you will report the TODOs]
  • --key (the github api key / see how to get one : https://securitysenses.com/videos/obtaining-api-key-github-api [Only required if you will report the TODOs]
  • --push (this determine if the app will make the reports or will only show them in terminal) [Only required if you will report the TODOs]


  • Without push

  • Pushing to github
    NOTE: $GITHUB_KEY = subtitute with your api key

PS: Emily is from a writer called Emily Carroll

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