A small rust database that uses json in memory.


Tiny Query Database (TQDB)

TQDB is a small library for creating a query-able database that is encoded with json.

The library is well tested (~96.30% coverage according to cargo-tarpaulin) and simple to use with the help of macros.


We can create a database using any type.

use tqdb::Database;
let db1: Database<i32> = Database::new();
let db2: Database<&u8> = Database::from_iter("hello world".as_bytes().into_iter());
struct Vec2 { x: i32, y: i32 };
let db3: Database<Vec2> = Database::from_iter(vec![ Vec2 { x: 0, y: 5 }, Vec2 { x: 100, y: 50 } ]);

If the type is serializable, we can even save it as json!

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
struct Vec2 { x: i32, y: i32 };
use tqdb::Database;
let db1: Database<i32> = Database::new();
let db2: Database<&u8> = Database::from_iter("hello world".as_bytes().into_iter());
let db3: Database<Vec2> = Database::from_iter(vec![ Vec2 { x: 0, y: 5 }, Vec2 { x: 100, y: 50 } ]);

We can query a database using macros!

We can search a database...

use tqdb::{Database, Query, search, search_mut, remove};
let db = Database::from_iter(1..10);
let found_items = search!(&db => |it: &i32| *it >= 5 && *it <= 7);

...search a database (with mutable access)

let found_items_mut1 = search_mut!(&mut db => |it: &i32| *it >= 5 && *it <= 7);
// or
let found_items_mut2 = search!(&mut db => |it: &i32| *it >= 5 && *it <= 7);

...and remove items easily!

let removed_items = remove!(&mut db => |it: &i32| *it >= 5 && *it <= 7);

If you don't want to use the macros, queries can be composed together like so:

use tqdb::{Database, Query};
let db = Database::from_iter(1..10);
// boring, simple query
db.search(Query::new(|it: &i32| *it < 5));
// cool AND query
db.search( Query::new(|it: &i32| *it < 5) & Query::new(|it: &i32| *it > 2) );
// cool OR query
db.search( Query::new(|it: &i32| *it >= 5) | Query::new(|it: &i32| *it <= 2) );
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